The sky is full of stars, and throughout history, some have looked to astrology to guide their lives. Do the signs of the zodiac tell us about our future?

The night sky has over 10,000 visible stars, and over the millennia, people have imagined various shapes formed by the brightest stars.
Ancient Babylonians and modern astrologers focus on a circle of 12 constellations called the zodiac. Astrological signs have been used to classify people and even predict future events—and many today continue to rely on the stars to make decisions.
But what does the Bible say?
Is there meaning in the movements of the stars? Do the patterns of the sky tell us about ourselves or our future? Does the Bible address the constellations or the astrological signs of the zodiac?
What does the Bible say about signs in the heavens?
The Bible tells us that God created signs in the heavens. Genesis 1:14 says, “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.’”
The sun, moon and stars are signs that testify to the power and creative genius of the Almighty God (Romans 1:20).
The more we learn about the vastness and scale of the universe and its many galaxies, the more powerful that testimony has become. The universe tells us that God thinks big. He loves variety. He is reliable. God creates order and structure.
The stars also tell us about the glory of God. The Bible says God shines like the sun (Revelation 1:16). The heavens declare the glory of God night after night (Psalm 19:1).
Why did God put signs in the heavens?
The movements of the heavens also define the seasons here on earth. These seasons include specific appointments with God—the seven biblical festivals. These are listed in Leviticus 23 as sacred meetings with God.
(See our video series “Feasts of the Lord” for more information about how these special festivals reveal God’s plan of salvation for humanity.)
Why is God mindful of man? Man was made in the image of God to have dominion over the creation (Genesis 1:26). Eventually, God will put all things—the whole universe—in subjection under man’s feet (Hebrews 2:5-9). For more information, see “What Does It Mean to Be Made in ‘the Image of God’?”
The power and brightness of the stars also reveal something about our future. Those who wisely listen to God will shine like the stars forever (Daniel 12:3). We can become children of God, shining as He does (1 John 3:2). It is through God’s annual festivals that our true destiny is revealed—and we wouldn’t know when these festivals are without the heavenly bodies.
Does the Bible say anything about constellations?
Instead of looking to the heavenly bodies for guidance, God wants us to understand that He made groupings of stars, such as the Pleiades and Orion (Amos 5:8). He directs and sustains the constellations with power greater than we can imagine.
Notice what God asked Job in Job 38:31-33:
“Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion? Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?”
The Pleiades, Orion, Great Bear and Mazzaroth are all directed in their placement and movement by God. We do not really understand how God controls the constellations, but He wants us to be deeply awed at His power and look to Him for truth and guidance. God has much to tell us if only we will listen to Him.
God doesn’t want us to worship or trust in the stars. Instead, He desires us to ultimately shine like the stars—as immortal children in His divine family.
Mazzaroth seems to mean constellations. Some people believe the word Mazzaroth, in Job 38:32, refers to the shapes of the zodiac. But the Bible does not support astrology. God’s Word tells us that it is futile to seek spiritual guidance from anything in the physical creation. God and His Word should be our source for true knowledge and guidance.
The Second Commandment prohibits us from making images of anything in heaven above to use for worship or guidance (Exodus 20:4). When righteous King Josiah restored Judah to godly worship, he forcibly removed idolatrous priests who burned incense to the sun, moon, constellations and host of heaven (2 Kings 23:5). Josiah understood that God forbids us from worshipping and seeking guidance from anything He created.
If we want spiritual guidance, we should pray to God, who created the constellations. Rather than being far off, He loves us and is willing to help and guide us—if we will seek Him.
Zodiac signs are not biblical
The word zodiac does not appear in the Bible. Zodiac comes from the Greek words zodiakos kyklos, meaning “circle of animals.” The word zoo also comes from a related Greek word.
The origins of the signs of the zodiac can be traced back even further to the Babylonians. The Babylonians divided the sky into 12 sections, each marked for a prominent constellation associated with an animal or other figure. This formed the basis for the zodiac used in astrology.
People born during each period are believed to possess certain traits associated with that sign. For example, those born between July 23 and Aug. 22 are thought to exhibit characteristics of Leo the Lion. Those who rely on astrology believe their destiny is guided by the date of their birth.
Astrologers also try to predict future events based on these zodiac signs. The signs of the zodiac appear in daily horoscopes and are read by millions seeking insights into their fortunes. The astrology market is growing at over 5 percent a year and is expected to reach $22.8 billion by 2031.
But the Bible tells us that despite everything the Babylonian astrologers observed in the heavens, they could not understand the secrets of God (Daniel 2:27-28). The king of Babylon found Daniel and his friends, men who relied on God for guidance, 10 times better than his astrologers. They had knowledge and wisdom revealed by God (Daniel 1:17-20).
God does not want us to turn to astrology. Instead, we should rely on God to provide us with His truth and guidance through His Holy Spirit and His Word, the Bible (John 16:13; 17:17).
Come out of Babylonian beliefs
The Babylonians imagined the shapes and signs of the zodiac 3,000 years ago. Though God created the heavenly bodies, He never intended them to be used for this purpose. Belief in astrology and the zodiac signs goes beyond innocent imagination. It is part of a belief system separate from and in rejection of the true God.
God warned the Babylonians that their astrologers, stargazers and monthly prognosticators would not be able to save them (Isaiah 47:13-14).
God tells us that the Babylonian system will continue to dominate the world until God destroys it at the end of the age (Revelation 18:2). God calls on His people to come out of Babylonian beliefs (verse 4).
God also reveals that He will darken the sun and moon, send shooting stars and shake heaven and earth before the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:29). For more information, see our article “Signs in the Heavens.”
The constellations reveal the might and power of the one true God who made the heavens and the earth.
God doesn’t want us to worship or trust in the stars. Instead, He desires us to ultimately shine like the stars—as immortal children in His divine family.
For more information, see “Astrology: Can Christians Use Horoscopes?”