Understanding the Mysterious Book of Revelation

Can the mysterious book of Revelation—the last book of the Bible—be understood today? What does it mean for your future?

The last book of the Bible is titled “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” It is often shortened to “Revelation” or the “Apocalypse.” These titles come from the Greek word apokalupsis (meaning “disclosure” or “revelation”) used in the first verse of the first chapter. The title thus conveys the idea of uncovering or revealing.

Many perceive this book to be the most mysterious of the Bible and the hardest to understand because of the symbolism used. Yet when one understands the terms as used in other sections of Scripture, the book reveals what will happen before and after Christ’s return to earth.

In other words, this book is intended to reveal information rather than conceal it.

Indeed, there are many prophecies, images and symbols contained in this book that are all part of this “uncovering” or “disclosure” from God.

Among these are a beast with seven heads and 10 horns; two witnesses; “Mystery, Babylon the Great”; a great harlot; seven churches; seven golden lampstands; three angels; four living creatures; 10 kings; 24 elders; the 144,000; the Great Tribulation; a scroll with seven seals; four horses (each a different color); seven trumpets; vials full of plagues; locusts; a Great White Throne; New Jerusalem; 1,000 years (the Millennium); the first resurrection; the second death; Gog and Magog; a lake of fire; 1,260 days; a great dragon; the Book of Life; a mark of the beast; and the number 666.

Be sure to read the explanations of these terms so you will know the difference between speculation and what the book of Revelation actually means for your future. 

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