by Erik Jones January 14, 2025 • 5 minute read
Jesus Christ taught that His followers would pray. Are your prayers heard by God? If you’re not sure if God hears your prayers, read this blog post!
by Jeannie Evans September 18, 2024 • 3 minute read
How can you teach your children to pray if you were never taught about God and prayer as a child? Here are some keys to helping your children learn to pray.
by Cecil Maranville January 22, 2024 • 8 minute read
There are many reasons people neglect daily prayer. This post will look at some of those reasons and how to overcome them.
by Eddie Foster November 23, 2023 • 4 minute read
The Thanksgiving holiday is widely publicized and celebrated by millions of Americans. But shouldn’t we be thankful every day?
by Bill Welch November 6, 2023 • 5 minute read
What does Luke 11:9-10 mean, and what can it teach us about being persistent in prayer? Jesus laid out three steps we can take to be more effective in our prayers.
by Kendrick Diaz June 5, 2023 • 8 minute read
We all need forgiveness, but how can we get it? What does the Bible say about asking God to forgive us? How should we do it? What steps can we take?
by Tom Clark August 5, 2022 • 5 minute read
Is regular prayer difficult for you? Do you want to improve your prayers to God? This blog post shares practical keys to help you pray better.
by Alvaro Matamala and Erik Jones December 29, 2021 • 8 minute read
The times we live in are filled with problems! But are there strategies we can use to reduce and solve our problems? How can we handle our problems in life? Shortly before His death, Jesus...
by Kendrick Diaz November 22, 2021 • 8 minute read
What does effective prayer look like? The Bible likens prayer to the incense the priests offered. What does incense teach us about praying effective prayers?
by Isaac Khalil February 22, 2021 • 9 minute read
Meditation has become popular in Western culture. But is meditation in the Bible? What does the Bible say about meditation? Should Christians meditate? God has given Christians five tools...
by Jeremy Lallier November 21, 2018 • 7 minute read
It can be difficult to maintain an “attitude of gratitude” when times are tough. An ancient psalm shares the secret to giving thanks—even in the darkest of times. The 136th...
by Eddie Foster August 14, 2018 • 5 minute read
In our hectic lives, daily prayer can easily get lost in the mix. With something as important as speaking to our Creator, it’s time to find strategies that keep us praying every day....