by Tim Groves June 28, 2023 • 6 minute read
The loss of the Titan submersible holds many lessons for Christians today. It is a vivid reminder of where our priorities in life need to be.
by Tim Groves May 15, 2023 • 6 minute read
A recent poll reveals that many Americans believe AI will destroy humanity. Could that happen? Does the Bible say that human life will end in self-destruction?
by Isaac Khalil and Erik Jones September 2, 2022 • 8 minute read
Climate change activists are calling on politicians to take action now before it’s too late. Will man’s actions bring about a catastrophic apocalypse—and if so, how?
by Isaac Khalil August 26, 2022 • 5 minute read
For many, the theory of evolution is an accepted fact of life’s origin. But not everyone accepts it as fact. What are some reasons to reject the theory of Darwinian evolution?
by Kevin Scarbrough March 7, 2022 • 6 minute read
We often say things on social media that we would never say in person. How can Christians avoid this and instead let their light shine on social media? “Why are we so nasty to each...
by Isaac Khalil January 28, 2022 • 9 minute read
People who view the earth from space experience the overview effect. But there is also a spiritual overview effect. What is it, and how can it influence you?
by Tom Clark August 6, 2019 • 5 minute read
The United States dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, 74 years ago. In addition to killing tens of thousands of people, that moment changed the world forever. A...
by Tom Clark July 17, 2019 • 6 minute read
Half a century has passed since the first man stepped onto the surface of our moon. How did that event change the world? What can we expect in the future? Space travel has fired up our...
by Isaac Khalil May 24, 2019 • 4 minute read
In recent years, U.S. technology companies have come under a barrage of fines from the European Union. Does this trend have any prophetic implications? For most Americans (and other...
by Isaac Khalil March 27, 2019 • 6 minute read
Thirty years after it was invented, the Web is now used in ways that its inventor never intended. What is at the root of its problems, and can it be fixed? This month the World Wide Web...
by Isaac Khalil November 12, 2018 • 5 minute read
Discoveries about DNA have revolutionized our understanding of the complexity of life. Learn how this tiny molecule is challenging the theory of evolution and providing evidence of the existence of...
by Isaac Khalil May 7, 2018 • 4 minute read
Advancements in artificial intelligence lead some to fear robots will take more jobs from people. Could robots replace human beings? It is quite amazing what machines can do today. We now...