by Debbie Caudle August 22, 2016 • 4 minute read
There are many self-help books for parents on the market, but one of the most influential was written by Benjamin Spock. Was his advice good? This year marks the 70th anniversary of the...
by Becky Sweat August 9, 2016 • 5 minute read
With warm weather comes the temptation for girls to dress immodestly. How can parents teach and guide their children to make modest clothing choices? Summer is here, and with the hotter...
by Erik Jones July 27, 2016 • 4 minute read
Today we are releasing a booklet on biblical prophecy—The United States, Britain and the Commonwealth in Prophecy. Why should you read it? Without a doubt, we are living in a turbulent...
by Eddie Foster July 25, 2016 • 4 minute read
The final post in this series addresses what to do after an attempt at conflict resolution. How can a relationship survive? What attitude do we need to have? So after deciding to talk with...
by Jeremy Lallier July 20, 2016 • 6 minute read
Forty years after landing on Mars, we know more about our universe than ever before—but the answers to the most important questions of all still elude us. Red. The red landscape...
by Eddie Foster July 18, 2016 • 5 minute read
The second post in this series focuses on what to do when it becomes necessary to talk to someone about his or her behavior or an offense. Our last post discussed the realities of offending...
by Mike Bennett July 15, 2016 • 4 minute read
Update: The attempted coup by some Turkish military forces has been put down. President Erdogan vows those responsible will pay a heavy price as he cracks down even harder. News agencies are...
by Eddie Johnson July 15, 2016 • 5 minute read
Pope Francis recently joined past popes in calling for Europe to unite and “rediscover its vocation.” What’s behind the pope’s dream of a united Europe?...
by Eddie Foster July 12, 2016 • 4 minute read
This post begins a three-part series on conflict resolution. When should we let something go, and when should we take on direct confrontation?
by Erik Jones July 10, 2016 • 6 minute read
On July 7, 2016, rising racial tensions in America erupted into horrible violence in Dallas, Texas. Why does this keep happening, and when will it end? We are not used to warfare in our...
by Jim Franks July 8, 2016 • 6 minute read
After the deadliest day for law officers since Sept. 11, 2001, Dallas and America wonder what’s next. Is there hope for an end of violence? What is happening in America—or in the...
by Mike Bennett July 8, 2016 • one minute read
Sniper kills five officers and wounds nine others in deadliest day for law officers since Sept. 11, 2001. Our prayers go out to the victims and families. Dallas, Texas, mourns this...