World News and End-Time Prophecy: The Hope
End-time events have many dark elements. How should a Christian view the events that will shortly come to pass? Should we approach prophecy with despair or with hope?

Jesus Christ gave a specific warning for His followers as they approach the end of the age: “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12). He encouraged us to endure to the very end (verse 13).
The statement highlights how important it is for true Christians to stay strong and faithful during end-time events.
We’ve covered many dark and depressing future events in the previous posts in this series. Nobody should gleefully look forward to these events—religious deceptions, devastating wars, environmental catastrophes and dire famines and pestilences that will kill millions.
Why should we face the end times with hope?
The good news in the apocalypse
The word apocalypse evokes images of destruction and the end of the world. It has been the focus of many movies, with subjects ranging from alien invasions to globally destructive asteroids.
But there is a problem.
The word apocalypse comes from the Greek and means something different. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, derives its name from this Greek word.
Apocalypse is derived from the Greek word apokalupsis and means “an uncovering, unveiling” or “revelation.”
What is being revealed through the end-time events?
God is!
Many atheists have asked, If God is real, why doesn’t He show Himself? Well, that is precisely what is going to happen. Jesus Christ will return to this earth, and God will no longer be hidden (Revelation 11:15). In fact, the Bible is clear that when He returns, “every eye will see Him” (Revelation 1:7).
To learn more, read “Apocalypse in the Bible.”
A coming Kingdom
Jesus preached, “The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15). God’s Kingdom is coming, and it will be totally different from today’s world. Today’s world is characterized by suffering, but Paul says the suffering is not worthy to be compared to the wonderful things that are coming (Romans 8:18).
After Jesus Christ returns, the earth will be restored to the way it was in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 36:35).
How will this transformation occur?
Through proper education and obedience to God’s laws.
Isaiah prophesied that the people of the nations will say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths” (Isaiah 2:3).
Many prophets filled in more details about this coming time:
- All will know God. The prophet Jeremiah wrote of a world where everyone will know God (Jeremiah 31:34; Hebrews 8:11).
- All will be offered a new heart and God’s Spirit. God will offer His Spirit to all people, making it possible for His laws to be written on their hearts and minds so they can obey (Joel 2:28-29; Ezekiel 36:26-27; Hebrews 10:16).
- All nations will be blessed. God promised Abraham that all nations would be blessed through him (Genesis 12:2; 18:18; 22:18). Peoples of all countries and languages will have the opportunity to have a relationship with God.
- The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God will fill this earth, and all will glorify God (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14).
- God will teach everyone. All who learn from the Father will come to Christ (John 6:45).
As Ruler of the Kingdom, Christ will undo all the damage humanity has done, and the people will learn how to live according to God’s way.
To learn more, read “What Is the Kingdom of God?” and “The Kingdom of God: An Earth Transformed.”
God will intervene to save us
Many will blame God for the destructive end-time events ahead. They will ask, Why doesn’t God stop the suffering?
But the end-time events result from man’s rule and decisions, not God’s. Since the Garden of Eden, humanity has rejected God’s laws and instead chosen the way of Satan, the deceiver of the world (Genesis 3:13; Revelation 12:9).
Going our own way apart from God has resulted in suffering and evil in our world (Romans 3:10-12). Without God’s intervention, we are heading toward annihilation because of our choices (Matthew 24:22).
But the good news is that God will intervene. He will imprison Satan, the instigator of evil, and give humanity 1,000 years to live without his sinister influence (Revelation 20:1-3).
God’s actions are mankind’s only hope—and we should pray regularly for Him to bring His Kingdom soon (Matthew 6:10).
A hope that does not disappoint
The coming Kingdom is the ultimate hope for all people.
Paul tells us that tribulations and trials have a purpose. Trials require us to persevere despite the hardships we experience. Our endurance in trials produces character, which, in turn, helps us develop hope in God’s promises. This “hope does not disappoint” (Romans 5:5).
Christians look forward to the Kingdom of God. When we see these end-time events being fulfilled and the world in utter chaos, Jesus said we should “look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).
Yes, even in the darkest times, we should still look forward in hope!
Past blog posts in this series:
Part 1: “World News and End-Time Prophecy: The People”
Part 2: “World News and End-Time Prophecy: The Nations”
Part 3: “World News and End-Time Prophecy: Counterfeit Christianity”
Date Posted: March 25, 2024