Where Should a Christian Focus During Confusing Times?
We live in complex times that can cause us to worry about many things. Are you worried about this year’s elections? Where should a Christian’s focus be?

We live in times of deepening uncertainty, confusion and worsening corruption.
We see extremes in all areas of life—politics, crime, violence, riots, etc. It seems that everything is spinning toward the extremes.
In the coming year, many countries will hold elections for new presidents, senators, deputies and other political leaders. Should Christians be worried and concerned about who their nation’s next president will be?
Does the Bible say that God is ultimately in control of these matters?
What does God say about national leaders?
Daniel 2:20-22 provides us valuable insight into God’s role in the politics of this world: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.”
The Bible clearly states that God is the ultimate authority. According to His designs and purposes, He exercises the right to decide who governs the nations. So, should Christians be concerned about who their nation’s new president will be?
No matter who is (or isn’t) elected, we must trust the scriptural testimony that all election outcomes occur with God’s permission.
Let’s consider this from a deeper spiritual perspective. Are you worried that a particular man or woman will become your nation’s next president? Or, on the contrary, are you worried and anxious that a certain candidate will not be elected in the next election?
If so, consider this: Do you know God’s will for the next election? Do you truly believe that God is ultimately in charge of installing and removing leaders according to His prophetic plan and purpose?
No matter who is (or isn’t) elected, we must trust the scriptural testimony that all election outcomes occur with God’s permission. As His Word says, He removes kings and raises up kings.
A Christian’s primary obligation when it comes to national leaders is to pray for them—especially that they’ll make decisions that allow God’s work to be done and allow His people to practice the true faith freely.
Troubling times are coming
The signs that announce the soon coming of Jesus Christ to earth are complex, serious and frightening. But should we be terrified of the future?
When reading Revelation, we find seven seals that make up a pattern of events that will strike the entire earth. The first four seals announce religious deception, war, famine and death (Revelation 6:1-8).
These first four seals cause the death of a quarter of the earth’s population (verse 8). Based on the earth’s current population, that would be around 2 billion people.
Afterward, beginning with the fifth seal, God will intervene to protect, care for and sustain His faithful Church. God will preserve many of His chosen people for 3½ years in a place of safety (Revelation 12:14).
After the heavenly signs of the sixth seal, God’s wrath—the seven trumpet plagues and the seven last plagues that make up the seventh seal—will come upon those who refuse to repent of their rebellion toward God. These will be times of great anguish, fear and trembling the likes of which have never been before and will never be again.
Though some will become martyrs, God will provide protection for many of His holy people and will not allow the calamities of the fifth, sixth and seventh seals to affect them. What a great relief!
If God can protect and sustain His people during that coming time of global calamity, He can certainly protect and sustain His people under the rule of any humanly elected leader.
This is why Christians should regularly pray for God’s protection.
Too many worries
Living in this world can wear us out and discourage us. Uncertainties and threats of all kinds can take away our peace of mind and keep us in a constant state of worry, even about things that may never occur. We cannot truly live in peace in this uncertain world.
Whatever our concerns, we must spiritually see and discern that this age is temporary and will end when Jesus Christ returns.
So, what are we really worried about? Do we focus excessively on how we will live the rest of our days on this decaying earth? Or are we truly concerned with seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33)?
Focus on a vision of the future
God is currently preparing rulers for His future government.
Today, many people want power, greatness, wealth, recognition, authority and influence.
But God is preparing a people focused on becoming servants to others. They are preparing now to help encourage and teach others after Christ returns. They are learning how to teach God’s way of life, which will bring blessings, peace, security and prosperity to all after Christ returns. They are preparing to teach, encourage and lead the people of the world tomorrow.
None of the presidential candidates running in any of the elections this year will be able to achieve a perfect and just government. Despite their grand promises and plans, they will ultimately fail. Instead of putting our energies and concerns into human leaders, we can put our faith in the coming perfect government of Jesus Christ. That government will not fail.
Jesus Christ’s government is coming to earth soon. We should pray for it every day!
Let’s concentrate on seeking the Kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. Everything material is temporary and will eventually cease to exist.
Date Posted: February 28, 2024