Upheaval in the Middle East and Europe
Syria’s fall and Europe’s political paralysis have gained the attention of the world. What’s behind these events? Are these trends prophetically significant?

A mural of Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Syria, is pockmarked by bullet holes after his brutal regime collapsed (Ammar Abd Rabbo/Abaca/Sipa USA via AP Images).
How fast the world can change.
In recent weeks we have seen major political upheavals. Many sense that a significant geopolitical reorientation is underway.
However, students of Bible prophecy should not be surprised at what is occurring. They understand the importance of watching the Middle East and Europe and know those regions have a tumultuous future ahead of them as Bible prophecies play out.
We may very well be seeing the political upheavals that will lay the foundation for the end-time Great Tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ.
Iran’s influence declines
Iran is currently led by Islamic clerics known as the mullahs, men who hold an apocalyptic worldview and are committed to the eradication of Israel.
To advance its military objectives against Israel, Iran operates through a network of proxies, including the Houthis in Yemen, rebel factions in Iraq and Syria, Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. It has called this alliance “the axis of resistance,” a reference to its opposition to Israel and Western countries, particularly the United States.
Israel initially struggled to counter these threats effectively, but recent events have dramatically altered the situation. Israeli strikes on Hezbollah, including disabling its leadership with targeted explosions of communication devices, were followed by Israeli operations to destroy Hezbollah’s weapons caches and neutralize their missile stockpiles.
The high point of Israel’s efforts was Operation New Order, during which a fleet of fighter jets launched 80 precision-guided bunker-busting bombs to eliminate Hezbollah’s leadership hiding underground in Beirut. This was followed by an invasion of southern Lebanon, successfully creating a Hezbollah-free buffer zone on Israel’s northern border. This was an achievement many thought impossible.
Simultaneously, Israel targeted Iranian bases in Syria.
In response, Iran launched strikes against Israel. This prompted Israel to swiftly retaliate, dismantling much of Iran’s air defenses and leaving Iran vulnerable. Israel also carried out attacks on key Iranian missile and weapon facilities. These actions forced Tehran’s mullahs into hiding and marked a significant turning point in the confrontation.
This is the backdrop to the current crisis in Syria.
The fall of Syria
In 2011, the Arab Spring swept through the Middle East, leading to the collapse of regimes in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Yemen.
The Arab Spring also sparked unrest in Bahrain and Syria. However, the attempt to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in Syria did not succeed. Instead, he fiercely clung to power, plunging the country into a devastating civil war. Assad’s regime struggled to reclaim control from an array of adversaries, which included Syrian rebels, Kurdish forces, the Islamic State and various other smaller anti-Assad factions.
Seeing a window of opportunity, Syrian rebels relaunched attacks on Assad’s forces. In a surprise to the world, Assad’s forces folded quickly and relatively easily.
To maintain his grip on power, Assad relied heavily on support from his two primary allies, Iran and Russia.
But with Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed forces in the Middle East severely weakened and Israel resolute in preventing Iran from regaining influence, the dynamics shifted.
Seeing a unique window of opportunity, Syrian rebels relaunched attacks on Assad’s forces. In a surprise to the world, Assad’s forces folded quickly and relatively easily, allowing the rebel forces to reclaim large swaths of Syria with minimal resistance.
With the tide turning decisively and the rebels approaching the Syrian capital of Damascus, President Bashar al-Assad fled to Russia, seeking asylum and effectively ending his 24-year rule.
For the most part, the people of Syria are celebrating the end of Assad’s rule, which was marked by brutal repression. Rebels took over the Sednaya Prison, infamously known as the “Human Slaughterhouse,” a notorious military prison where countless atrocities were committed, and began releasing political prisoners.
A power vacuum
However, this doesn’t mean Israel can now breathe easy. As Syria begins an era free of Assad’s repressive rule, a new power struggle is unfolding, with Islamist factions taking control of key regions.
Amid the jubilation over Assad’s fall and the breaking of Iranian influence, the reality is that new challenges are arising. Historically speaking, power transitions in the Middle East are rarely smooth and usually serve to usher in a host of new dangers and complications.
The reality in Syria is that an Iranian-backed dictator has now been replaced by Turkish-backed Sunni extremists. In response, Israel has seized control of the demilitarized zone portion of the Golan Heights as a precautionary buffer zone with Syria. It has performed widespread strikes against Assad’s former military installations to prevent weapons and equipment from falling into the hands of the jihadists, who have threatened to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
As has been seen in other Arab nations, overthrowing a strongman leader often leads to a brutal civil war, with various factions vying for control.
Meanwhile, Turkey is seeking to capitalize on Assad’s fall and expand its regional influence by supporting the Sunni extremists in Syria. However, this strategy is fraught with risks, as the Islamists in Syria may become just as resistant to Turkish dominance as they were to Iranian control.
Turkey also fears an uprising from its traditional enemy, the Kurds. It has labeled the Kurdish People’s Protection Units in Syria (who are working with the U.S. against ISIS) a terrorist group. The Kurds find themselves in a perilous position, with threats from both Turkey in the north and Islamists in the south jeopardizing their survival.
As has been seen in other Arab nations, overthrowing a strongman leader often leads to a brutal civil war, with various factions vying for control. In Syria, it seems war will continue, though without Assad. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer echoed this sentiment, stating, “The fall of other brutal regimes in the past has resulted in violence, not peace.”
The absence of strong leadership contributes to the instability of the region north of Israel, where Lebanon and Syria are vulnerable to influence from foreign powers and internal factions competing for control. These persistent tensions will make it an ongoing area of instability and danger in the Middle East.
Yet the Bible prophesies the emergence of new powers that may come into play shortly.
The kings of the North and the South
The Bible depicts an end-time conflict between two powers, referred to as the king of the North and the king of the South (Daniel 11:40). In verses 5-28, these titles are associated with the historical Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt. North and South referred to their geographic positions relative to Israel.
Both powers emerged from the four kingdoms following Alexander the Great’s death (verse 4; compare Daniel 8:8, 22). For centuries, they fought each other, often with Israel caught in the crossfire.
But later in Daniel 11, the kings of the North and South also appear in an end-time context as shown by the references to the “time of the end” in verses 35 and 40. The king of the North matches the description of the beast of Revelation and can be clearly identified as an end-time revival of the Roman Empire, while the king of the South is likely to be an Islamic confederation that includes Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia (verse 43).
It appears a future conflict will erupt between these powers to the north and to the south of the Jewish state.
The final revival of the Roman Empire is prophesied to rise just before Christ’s return. History and biblical prophecy reveal that the Roman Empire has experienced nine iterations, with one final revival yet to come. (To explore this topic further, see “What Is Babylon?” and “The End-Time Ride of the White Horse of Revelation.”)
Today, Europe is widely perceived as fragmented and weak, far from the future unified global superpower depicted in the Bible. History continually shows that trends can shift rapidly due to unexpected events and crises.
This final revival will involve “ten kings” (leaders) who will consolidate their authority under a central figure known as “the beast” (Revelation 17:12-13). This time aligns with the period immediately prior to Christ’s return and is symbolized by the 10 toes in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision (Daniel 2:41-44).
Presently, Europe is far from this configuration.
Both Germany and France, the two largest economies in the eurozone, are grappling with political instability stemming from deep internal disagreements over economic policy.
In Germany, the coalition government recently collapsed due to disputes over the nation’s budget and strategies for addressing economic stagnation. Meanwhile, in France, the governing coalition recently fell apart amid conflicts over how to manage the country’s massive debt and the implementation of fiscal reforms.
The political turmoil has left both nations weakened by internal discord with an absence of strong, decisive leadership.
Today, Europe is widely perceived as fragmented and weak, far from the future unified global superpower depicted in the Bible. This perceived weakness will make the emergence of the prophesied superpower under the sway of a charismatic strongman all the more astonishing (Revelation 13:3). History continually shows that trends can shift rapidly due to unexpected events and crises.
For example, just over a year ago, it seemed the Assad regime had successfully suppressed the rebellion and was situated to maintain its grip on power indefinitely. However, circumstances in the region and within Syria changed rapidly, and the regime ultimately collapsed. Now, its former strongman will likely live out the rest of his life in powerless exile in Russia.
The point is that events have a way of turning the tide of history—sometimes rapidly.
Watch and pray
The current power vacuums in Europe and the Middle East create ideal conditions for the rise of strong leaders in both regions.
The Bible urges Christians to stay vigilant, watching world events while remaining steadfast in prayer (Luke 21:36). We are to carefully “discern the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3).
Scripture reveals key events and trends that will unfold before Christ’s return. By studying Scripture and watching for these trends, we can gain deeper insight into current world events and how they align with Bible prophecy.
Additionally, we must examine our own lives, ensuring that we are actively living God’s way and faithfully “so doing” as we anticipate Christ’s return (Luke 12:37-43).
To learn more about where the conflicts in the Middle East are leading, download our free booklet The Middle East in Prophecy.
Date Posted: December 17, 2024