by Eddie Foster and Erik Jones January 21, 2022 • 9 minute read
With so many different denominations, how can we know what a Christian is? Is there such a thing as true Christianity? What do true Christians believe?
by Kendrick Diaz January 18, 2022 • 9 minute read
What does Galatians 2:20 mean? How much can we learn about Christianity from this one verse? Could this one verse summarize true Christianity?
by Erik Jones January 3, 2022 • 8 minute read
We all forget things, even when we are told to remember. Could you be forgetting what God specifically said to remember and keep holy: His Sabbath day?
by Leon Leonard July 9, 2021 • 6 minute read
Mainstream Christianity generally rejects the seventh-day Sabbath. Some believe every day is the Sabbath. What do the Scriptures teach about the Sabbath day?
by Isaac Khalil March 17, 2021 • 5 minute read
The Bible contains laws governing what meats we should, and should not, eat. Are these laws just for our health, or are there other lessons they can teach us? In Genesis 1 we read that God...
by Sam Shrauner February 13, 2019 • 2 minute read
Many churches teach that the wicked will burn and suffer forever in hellfire. But does the Bible actually teach this? If not, what does it teach? Many preachers say the soul is immortal and...
by Isaac Khalil March 23, 2018 • 4 minute read
Names identify us, and some believe they can shape our personality. Yet some do not take names seriously. Here’s why we should take names more seriously. One of the first duties of...
by Preston Buchanan June 26, 2017 • 4 minute read
Some churches teach that Jesus was an angel—a created being. However, the truth of Scripture reveals something far greater. Is Jesus an angel? If we do not know Jesus, then we do not...
by Eddie Johnson June 23, 2017 • 3 minute read
The Protestant reformers claimed they were restoring Christianity back to its biblical roots. But were there things they forgot to reform? October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin...
by Tom Kirkpatrick February 29, 2016 • 4 minute read
The Bible shows that ancient Israel was to practice a financial principle called tithing. Does tithing apply today? Here are three reasons you should tithe. To state the obvious (or at least...
by Eddie Johnson July 15, 2015 • 5 minute read
Do today’s prominent Christian doctrines and practices have biblical roots? Did the New Testament writers warn of false doctrine entering Christianity? Thousands of Christian...
by Isaac Khalil February 27, 2015 • 4 minute read
For thousands of years people have tried to worship God using statues and images. Why does God condemn idolatry? Is it a challenge for Christians today? We can learn a lot from the physical...