by Erik Jones December 6, 2021 • 8 minute read
Boys and men today are facing a crisis of masculinity. To solve this crisis, positive examples are needed. The best example of biblical masculinity is Jesus Himself. The first post in this...
by Eddie Foster December 3, 2021 • 8 minute read
The Bible describes two forms of judgment, one good and the other bad. How can a Christian judge with righteous judgment and avoid being judgmental?
by Erik Jones December 1, 2021 • 7 minute read
Masculinity is in decline. From underperforming students to effeminate behavior, traditional masculinity is slowly vanishing. What’s happening to men today? The entertainment industry...
by Joel Meeker November 24, 2021 • 4 minute read
An American who has traveled extensively around the world shares his perspective on why Americans should truly “give thanks” on Thanksgiving. I’ve had several opportunities...
by Kendrick Diaz November 22, 2021 • 8 minute read
What does effective prayer look like? The Bible likens prayer to the incense the priests offered. What does incense teach us about praying effective prayers?
by Kendrick Diaz November 17, 2021 • 7 minute read
The prophet Jeremiah was called for a special purpose. What lessons can we learn from God’s calling of Jeremiah? Is his story relevant to young people today?
by Tim Groves November 15, 2021 • 8 minute read
From computer chips to basic commodities, it seems the economy is facing shortages in nearly everything. Why has this happened, and will it get worse? It seems like it happened overnight....
by Kendrick Diaz November 10, 2021 • 5 minute read
What does the Bible have to say about being double-minded? If double-mindedness is so bad, what is the alternative to it? The phrase double-minded appears only two times in the New...
by Eng Ling and Erik Jones November 9, 2021 • 5 minute read
This month is the anniversary of the death of a woman you may never have heard of. What can her life and death teach us about evil and hope? Seventeen years ago, on Nov. 9, 2004, a...
by Eddie and Shannon Foster November 8, 2021 • 5 minute read
As we enter the sunset of our marriage, lingering problems may arise. How can we avoid a “silver splitter” (yes, late-life divorce has a name)? Ahh, the latter years of marriage...
by Joshua Travers November 4, 2021 • 5 minute read
Since the beginning of time, mankind has sinned. But God wants us to make a different choice, so we must answer the question, “Why do we sin?” Human sin goes all the way back to...
by Eddie and Shannon Foster November 1, 2021 • 4 minute read
In this post we finish off discussing ongoing challenges with two of the heaviest hitters: changing destructive behavior and the sex talk. With all of the challenges we mentioned in the...