How to Overcome Feeling Disengaged at Work
Many Americans today are disengaged in their jobs. What can we do to improve our engagement and enthusiasm in our work? Does it even matter?

We’ve all been there.
We’ve all had days or weeks when work feels like a drag. We feel stressed, overworked and just tired. We reluctantly go to work and struggle to find the motivation to put in our total effort.
We might ask ourselves, “What’s wrong with me?” or “Why do I feel this way?” or “I know I need to do my best, but why do I feel so uninterested and unfulfilled in my work?”
According to a Gallup poll conducted at the end of the first quarter of 2024, employee engagement in the United States is at its lowest since 2013. Only 30 percent of employees were described as engaged at work, while 17 percent were actively disengaged. The remainder were neither actively engaged nor actively disengaged, implying that many surveyed could be considered “quiet quitters” (“U.S. Engagement Hits 11-Year Low,” April 10, 2024).
While the trends vary over the years, feeling disengaged at work is more common than it should be. You and I should consider whether we are disengaged at work and, if so, why.
Why does being engaged at work matter?
Before we consider the causes of being disengaged at work, we need to know why it matters in the first place. What does the Bible say about the subject?
“He who is slothful in his work is a brother to him who is a great destroyer” (Proverbs 18:9).
Rather than work grudgingly, we should put our total effort into our work. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

Give it your all. Rather than work grudgingly, we should put our total effort into our work.
(For more about working hard, read “The Meaning of Ecclesiastes 9:10: ‘Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do.’”)
Paul is an excellent example of a man who worked hard in all the things his hand found to do. Before God called him, he was zealous in his efforts as a devout Pharisee (Galatians 1:13-17).
After God called him, Paul redirected his passion and became a hardworking apostle of Jesus Christ. He traveled for the work of the ministry, wrote about half the books of the New Testament, and even worked as a tentmaker in addition to his pastoral duties (Acts 18:1-4).
Paul set a great example of being engaged in his work.
Principles and examples in the Bible clearly express the importance of our being engaged in our work. Additionally, staying engaged will likely lead us to greater success in our work and greater fulfillment in life. Being engaged at work matters.
But you still may ask: “What if I’m not engaged at work? Is there anything I can do about it?”
Why am I disengaged at work?
To improve our level of engagement, we first need to determine what is causing us to feel unhappy and disengaged.
This answer may be different for each person, but there are some questions that we can ask ourselves as we examine our motivation and mindset about work:
- Am I communicating and finding ways to relate to my coworkers?
- Do I have a positive relationship with my manager?
- Do I feel like my contributions aren’t appreciated? Am I failing to show appreciation to others?
- Am I working hard and contributing but not getting a promotion or recognition?
- Am I giving my full effort to my work? Or am I simply doing the bare minimum?
- Do I enjoy the kind of work that I do? Am I a good fit for the job?
- Do I feel that my work is adding value, or do I fail to find meaning in my work?
- Am I putting in long days, feeling overworked and struggling with work-life balance?
- Is my life outside of work unfulfilling and directionless? Or is it stressful to the point of distracting me from work?
Did any of these questions capture your attention? If any question stood out to you, consider reflecting on it. You can pray to God and ask Him to help you determine whether or not one or more of these factors could be contributing to your lack of engagement.
How to improve your engagement at work
At this point, you may have identified why you’re struggling. If not, it may take time and thought!
Identifying the problem is only the first step. While the solution will depend, in part, on our individual reasons for feeling unfulfilled and disengaged, some principles are helpful to consider.
Ultimately, we must take the initiative to address our lack of engagement. It’s up to us to change our actions and mindset about work.
Many people focus on the employer’s responsibility for employee engagement. However, as employees, it’s important to focus on our own responsibility.
While managers and employers do play an important role, ultimately, we must take the initiative to address our lack of engagement. It’s up to us to change our actions and mindset about work.
According to Gallup, a few key drivers of employee engagement are purpose, development, ongoing conversations and focusing on strengths. Let’s take a look at each of these.
1. Purpose
Finding purpose and fulfillment in our work requires that we put in personal effort to consider how our work positively impacts others in our community and society. Recognizing the positive impact and purpose of our work can drive us to be engaged.
2. Development
Skill development enables us to perform our job at a higher level. Obtaining certifications and skills can also help us remain relevant and necessary to our employer. Growth in our skills can lead to improved performance and greater engagement.
3. Conversation
Conversations with coworkers, managers, clients and others help us build relationships. No one should be an island. Building positive relationships and a supportive working network goes a long way in shaping our view of our work. It all starts with purposeful conversation with others.
4. Focusing on strengths
When we struggle at work, focusing on our strengths can help us maintain a positive outlook. It’s necessary to know our weaknesses so we can work to improve them, but we shouldn’t dwell on them to the point of despair. Playing to our strengths can set us up for success in our work and drive us to feel engaged and fulfilled.
Improving these elements will significantly benefit our engagement and enhance our feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction at work. However, there is more to the solution than just these physical steps.
Keeping the right spiritual perspective
In addition to putting in physical effort to be actively engaged in our work, it’s critical that we keep the proper spiritual perspective. We can learn an essential lesson from King Solomon.
Solomon is one of the Bible’s most intriguing personalities. He had everything he could have ever wanted: wisdom, money, servants, peace and all of life’s pleasures (Ecclesiastes 2:4-9). He rejoiced in his labor and did not withhold himself from pleasures (verse 10).
We must take the initiative to address our lack of engagement. It’s up to us to change our actions and mindset about work.
However, something was lacking in his life.
Even though Solomon seemingly had everything, he looked back on his life’s work and concluded, “Indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind” (verse 11).
Solomon sought fulfillment from his work and from the physical things he had. In a sense, his life was an experiment to show that, no matter how fulfilled a person may be in his or her physical work and the pleasures of life, there will always be something missing.
The missing element is the spiritual fulfillment only God can provide.
We must also be engaged in the spiritual work God is performing in our lives (John 6:27; Ecclesiastes 12:13). This work requires ongoing communication with God through prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Psalm 55:17). It requires continual development of God’s holy righteous character (Ephesians 4:13; Matthew 6:33). And it leads to the most fulfilling purpose that each of us can ever obtain: to become eternal spirit beings in the family of God (1 John 3:1-2; John 3:16).
To learn more about your life’s ultimate purpose, read “What Is the Real Purpose of Life?”
Overcoming physical and spiritual disengagement
At times, we may struggle to feel fulfilled and engaged in our work, and it can be difficult to identify the cause. But we are responsible for working hard in this short physical life.
While staying engaged and finding fulfillment in our work is important, we also must see work through the proper lens and understand our great spiritual purpose.
Our physical work in this life helps us provide for our needs, build beneficial skills, learn lessons and serve those who benefit from our work.
However, a true sense of fulfillment does not come only through our physical work. Our primary responsibility is to engage in the spiritual work that God is carrying out in our lives. Keeping the proper perspective can help us truly overcome feeling disengaged in our work.
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Date Posted: March 10, 2025