Is God Calling You?
Does God have a plan for you? Is He calling you to deeper understanding of His truth? Is He asking you to make changes that will benefit you now—and forever?

Why are you surfing this website? Curiosity? Or something more? Maybe you are unable to define the reason right now.
Haven’t you ever wondered what you are doing on this earth? What is the ultimate purpose of life?
Has your conscience been nagging you about something you have done?
Did you go to church last Sunday? Why? Out of a sense of duty? To whom?
Or what happens to someone who dies without ever hearing about Jesus Christ?
Do you feel a little disturbed about things that used to be considered wrong, but aren’t so much anymore, like lying, swearing, casual sex, homosexuality or witchcraft?
Are you filled with a hunger to know the truth—the real truth—about your Heavenly Father?
If you answered “yes” to most of the questions above, it may very well be that God is calling you.
While He may be found
If so, you need to take some very important steps. The first is to respond. Don’t say, “Oh, I’m very busy right now. … I’ll look into these questions when I get the chance.”
But the Bible tells us: “Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
God deliberately designed His Word so that only those He is calling will really begin to understand at this time.
You see, God’s inspired Word—the Holy Bible—tells us that nobody can come to Jesus Christ unless the Father draws him or her (John 6:44). In fact, the Bible contains evidence that all true Christians will be called by God! Jesus told His disciples, “I chose you out of the world” (John 15:19). But for what purpose?
Moreover, Jesus told His disciples: “It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matthew 13:11, emphasis added throughout). God deliberately designed His Word so that only those He is calling will really begin to understand at this time.
Do you deeply desire to understand more of God’s Word? Is God calling you? How can you be sure?
Opening minds
In a nutshell, God calls people through the power of His Holy Spirit and His message, contained in the Bible. By His Spirit you will be able to prove to yourself that God exists and that the Bible is truly His inspired Word.
By His power, God opens the minds of the called few now so they can understand His Word more fully. And with understanding comes the urge to know more!
If you are beginning to understand and believe the entire Bible, if you come to understand that your ways are wrong, if you have a genuine desire to share your knowledge—then you are probably being called by God!
If God is calling you, you will come to understand that Christ did not come to destroy God’s law but to fulfill the law (Matthew 5:17). So His Spirit will lead you to “live … by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Living by the whole Bible is essential to really understanding it.
If God is leading you, you will grow to trust God, yes, to rely on Him absolutely! You will come to realize that God gives answers to His called-out ones.
If God is calling you, He will lead you to understand the scriptures that show that this whole world has been following the way of Satan, rather than God’s way (Revelation 12:9; John 15:19). You will want to follow God and obey Him in everything. You will examine yourself, understand and reject how you have lived contrary to God and His ways. Yes, you will desire to make changes to your life.
God is calling a few people today for a special role—to help proclaim the good news of the coming Kingdom of God and to help teach those who are interested to appreciate and believe everything Jesus Christ taught His disciples. The entire world urgently needs this knowledge of God’s way!
If you are beginning to understand and believe the entire Bible, if you come to understand that your ways are wrong, if you have a genuine desire to share your knowledge—then you are probably being called by God!
How will you respond?
Are you going to respond to the call? Are you prepared to live according to the Bible? Are you prepared to repent of everything you have done that you know to be wrong, and to commit yourself to complete obedience to God? Are you prepared to forgive every person who has ever wronged you?
What you need to do is read more about God and the plan He has laid out for the whole of mankind. Find out who God really is, and what He is doing while the average person fritters his or her life away on trivial pursuits.
The Holy Bible is the source of all the information you need to make the most important decisions of your life:
- To learn the truth about your Heavenly Father.
- To bring Him into your life.
- To learn how He wants you to serve Him.
- To find out about God’s incredible plan of salvation to expand His royal family!
- To understand what you have to do to be part of all this.
We have designed this website to help you in your search of the Scriptures and highlight important truths of the Bible that can give you real hope and change your life for the better.
As you learn more and more, you will also very quickly understand whether God is calling you. Because that feeling will grow until it becomes a conviction. In fact, you will feel compelled to do something about it—right away!
What a fantastic opportunity! It’s a chance to know and serve your Heavenly Father.
Act now! You can start by reading more about God’s calling in the article “God Calling!”
Date Posted: March 14, 2013