by Life, Hope & Truth Contributor April 24, 2014 • 4 minute read
Entering college or university can be challenging and scary! Here are some principles from wise King Solomon that can help college freshmen. Do a quick Google search and you will find...
by Debbie Caudle November 19, 2013 • 4 minute read
Imagine marriage is like flying a plane. When you encounter the rough spots, use these “instruments” and guidelines to help restore a smooth flight. Imagine your marriage is like...
by Debbie Caudle November 11, 2013 • 5 minute read
Imagine that marriage is like flying a plane—and you’re trying to work out who will handle which controls. Here are some tips to avoid a bumpy ride. The last thing you want...
by Debbie Caudle November 4, 2013 • 4 minute read
Imagine that marriage is like flying a plane—and you’re about to taxi down the runway. Here’s the first of three blog posts about preparing for a smooth flight. In my 20...
by Rhonda Waddle February 25, 2013 • 4 minute read
Finding Go, Dog. Go! on the bookshelf led me to reflect on the importance of reading for our children’s success in so many areas of life. Recently I was cleaning my children’s...
by Joshua Travers February 21, 2013 • 4 minute read
You know without a doubt that you’re right. You are sure that you know what your friends should do. Yet is insisting you are right always the best move? There are times when you know...
by Joshua Travers October 29, 2012 • 4 minute read
Life is all about relationships. How can we improve all of the important relationships in our lives? On the first day of class, my education professor told us what he believes are essential...
by Kevin Scarbrough October 26, 2012 • 4 minute read
What if the billion Facebook users all read what was on your mind? What if God read it? Is He concerned with what we post and say? As of Oct. 4, there are approximately a billion active...
by Ella Mae Tyrkalo September 5, 2012 • 3 minute read
We can give verbal gifts of encouragement in many different ways. Perhaps these thoughts from little children and from the Bible will help. I was recently looking through some books in my...
by Hervé Irion August 20, 2012 • 4 minute read
Have you heard the story of Sarita? She believed she was worth nothing, and there was no point in trying to change things. Was there any hope for her? Sarita would walk with her shoulders...
by Karen Meeker July 30, 2012 • 3 minute read
We wouldn’t knowingly build our home on a faulty foundation, so we should pay close attention to our marriage foundation as well. No builder in his right mind would knowingly begin to...
by Karen Meeker July 23, 2012 • 3 minute read
Building a quality foundation for a marriage takes real commitment. This means taking the wedding vows seriously—something that is sadly lacking today. In “Marriage and the...