by André van Belkum March 31, 2023 • 6 minute read
Millions celebrate Easter and consider it the most sacred day of the year. But are Easter celebrations and traditions endorsed in the Bible? And if not, then what is?
by Tim Groves October 3, 2022 • 6 minute read
Since the dawn of time, mankind has dreamed of paradise on earth. And the Bible has much to say about the time when that longing becomes reality. When we become adults and the concerns and...
by Eddie Johnson April 13, 2016 • 4 minute read
New Testament passages are often used to promote something very different from the essence intended by the author. Consider Colossians 2:16-17. False doctrine was creeping into the...
by Joshua Travers June 6, 2014 • 4 minute read
God has a magnificent plan to change the lives of everyone on the earth and to create a perfect world! Wouldn’t it be great if you could be a part of it? The world is a chaotic place...
by Sam Shrauner March 25, 2013 • 4 minute read
Did the God of the Old Testament do things that Jesus Christ had to clean up? For example, is the Passover outdated and no longer necessary?