by Isaac Khalil August 25, 2017 • 4 minute read
Recently, nations around the globe have been holding exercises to prepare their militaries for the possibility of war. Is another world war on the horizon?
by Tom Clark June 28, 2017 • 4 minute read
June 28 marks the 103rd anniversary of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Though few will remember it, it is one of the seminal events of the 20th century.
by Life, Hope & Truth Contributor April 4, 2014 • 4 minute read
A new scientific study predicts the collapse of global civilization. Does the Bible support its findings? What does it say about the future—and what we should do? The rise and fall of...
by Tim Groves January 10, 2014 • 5 minute read
Pope Francis was named Time’s Person of the Year. His influence continues to grow. What does the Bible say about the influence of the papacy in the future? Last month Time magazine...
by Larry Murray April 11, 2013 • 5 minute read
When someone threatens war, we find it frightening. Especially if it is the dictator of a rogue nuclear-armed nation making seemingly crazy threats! Take Kim Jong Eun, for example....
by Tim Groves February 19, 2013 • 5 minute read
Last week’s meteor and asteroid encounters grabbed headlines. The Bible shows that God will use cosmic activity to get the world’s attention in the years ahead. For the last...
by Mike Bennett September 20, 2012 • 5 minute read
This week a group of 11 foreign ministers, capping nine months of work, presented their plan for strengthening the integration of Europe, perhaps including an EU army. A crisis is a terrible...
by Jim Haeffele August 23, 2012 • 4 minute read
Is Israel about to make a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities? If so, what will that mean to the Middle East region and to the world? When Israel became a nation in 1948,...
by Joel Meeker July 26, 2012 • 5 minute read
A visit to the isle of Patmos sparked thoughts about the Apocalypse (Revelation) the apostle John wrote there—and how God wants us to respond to it. My wife and I just visited Patmos...
by Joel Meeker June 21, 2012 • 4 minute read
Greece inched back from the brink of exiting the euro, but the issues have not gone away. What’s the mood after the Greek elections? Where is Europe headed? I’m writing from...
by Ralph Levy June 19, 2012 • 5 minute read
Egypt’s historic presidential election was overshadowed by court and military decisions that many Egyptians feel amount to a countercoup. Egypt’s elections, which should have...
by Mike Bennett June 15, 2012 • 4 minute read
Europe remains a hot spot in world news—and in end-time prophecy. What will this weekend’s election in Greece bring? “Europe on Edge Over Crisis” said the top...