by Barry Richey August 1, 2012 • 5 minute read
It’s daunting to figure out what is truly important in the news and how it all fits together. Bible prophecy can help you understand what it all means for you. Consider these July 2012...
by Karen Meeker July 30, 2012 • 3 minute read
We wouldn’t knowingly build our home on a faulty foundation, so we should pay close attention to our marriage foundation as well. No builder in his right mind would knowingly begin to...
by Ron Kelley July 27, 2012 • 3 minute read
The pomp of the ceremonies and the thrill of the world-class competition make the Olympics exciting. If athletes devote themselves so completely for the hope of a medal, what should we do for...
by Joel Meeker July 26, 2012 • 5 minute read
A visit to the isle of Patmos sparked thoughts about the Apocalypse (Revelation) the apostle John wrote there—and how God wants us to respond to it. My wife and I just visited Patmos...
by Adam Sanders July 24, 2012 • 4 minute read
Tragedies like the movie theater massacre in Colorado seem senseless, but we try to make sense of them. They can make us refocus on the real value of life. A big story dominating the news in...
by Karen Meeker July 23, 2012 • 3 minute read
Building a quality foundation for a marriage takes real commitment. This means taking the wedding vows seriously—something that is sadly lacking today. In “Marriage and the...
by Mike Bennett July 20, 2012 • 6 minute read
The world’s lifeblood flows through a narrow passage from the Persian Gulf. Will America’s military prevent Iran from blocking the Strait of Hormuz? Since nearly 20 percent...
by Peter M. Gabriel July 19, 2012 • 5 minute read
Superheroes are everywhere right now! There’s a human longing for real heroes we can look up to and who can bring real justice to this troubled world. “Everybody’s...
by Eddie Johnson July 19, 2012 • 4 minute read
Two men who were fantastically successful financially looked back on their lives with frustration. What can we learn about the real meaning of life? In the mid-1960s in the United Kingdom...
by Karen Meeker July 18, 2012 • 4 minute read
The importance of a good foundation for a house and for a marriage is not as different as you might think. I awoke to hear sounds coming from the basement. Water? I puzzled groggily,...
by Cecil Maranville July 17, 2012 • 4 minute read
The Higgs boson and the CERN particle accelerator have been in the news. If particle physicists discovered the God particle, are they closer to discovering God? You have undoubtedly heard of...
by Ralph Levy July 12, 2012 • 5 minute read
On June 23 Egyptian cleric Safwat Higazi declared that Jerusalem would be “our capital” as he introduced the Muslim Brotherhood candidate for Egypt’s presidency. Safwat...