The Plan to End Evil
Many people hate evil, decry it and want to see it eradicated. But no one has been able to truly do that—yet it will be done. There’s a plan that shows how!

It’s everywhere. Across the globe, there are evil people doing evil things, whether that’s a third-world warlord sending children onto the battlefield with guns and explosives or a first-world CFO embezzling away the pensions of thousands of employees. Evil exists, and while we’ve found ways to suppress it, dilute it and discourage it, we’ve yet to find a way to truly end it.
What’s the solution? Is there even a solution? Or is evil just such a fundamental part of human nature that we’ll never be truly rid of it?
Thankfully, there is a solution—and not only that, but the plan to enact that solution is already in motion. Evil can be stopped, and it will be stopped—and what’s more, you can be part of the solution.
Interested? Then it’s time to discover the Feasts of the Lord.
Date Posted: May 19, 2016