Journey 3 The Plan of God

Dear Reader,

You’ve learned about who God is. You’ve learned why evil exists and why God allows it. And most important, you’ve learned that He has a plan to end evil, once and for all.

But how?

In “The Plan of God,” we’ll answer that question by digging into the pages of the Bible and seeing what God Himself has to say on the subject. Each day’s content will consist of the following:

  • That day’s reading.
  • Recommended verses and chapters from the Bible relating to that day’s subject.
  • Supplemental material from Life, Hope & Truth for digging deeper into that day’s subject.

We encourage you not to start “The Plan of God” until you’ve made it through our first two Journeys, “Knowing God” and “The Problem of Evil.” This Journey is going to build on concepts presented in the first two, so it’s helpful to go through them in order. By the end of this Journey, you’ll have a solid framework for understanding what God is doing, why He’s doing it, and where you fit in all of it.

Let’s begin!

All the best,
Your friends at Life, Hope & Truth

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