by Isaac Khalil December 15, 2021 • 7 minute read
The biblical story of Joseph shows God’s hand having a powerful impact on a young person’s life. What lessons can we learn from the life of Joseph?
by Kendrick Diaz November 17, 2021 • 7 minute read
The prophet Jeremiah was called for a special purpose. What lessons can we learn from God’s calling of Jeremiah? Is his story relevant to young people today?
by Bill Jahns February 6, 2019 • 6 minute read
The Genesis Flood is one of the most fascinating accounts in the Bible and also one of the most challenged. This blog post looks at some common questions that are asked about the Bible’s account...
by Isaac Khalil August 20, 2018 • 4 minute read
The book of Job raises many questions. Why did Job have to suffer? What can we learn from Job's suffering? Let’s explore three life lessons from the book of Job.
by Erik Jones April 2, 2014 • 8 minute read
The controversial Noah movie has been called biblically inaccurate, but visually stunning. Read this review to learn about the major problems with this movie. Noah, starring Russell Crowe,...
by Arnold C. Mendez Sr. March 26, 2014 • 6 minute read
Hollywood is about to take another stab at a movie based on a Bible story: Noah. Should Christians have high expectations for this big-budget film? There is an old Native American story...
by Tim Groves October 2, 2013 • 5 minute read
Recent floods remind many of the days of Noah. Incredibly, the Bible talks about the last days being like the time of Noah. Are we living in those times now? In the past month some 21 inches...
by Erica Golden February 11, 2013 • 5 minute read
Putting ourselves in the sandals of slaves freed from Egypt can give insights into faith, fear and the tyranny of doubt. What would we have done? Imagine you are in the desert, trudging...