by Eddie Foster January 5, 2015 • 5 minute read
In the eighth post in this series covering the works of the flesh, we look at several strategies we can use to combat common contentions in our life. Most people don’t like to get into...
by Eddie Foster December 29, 2014 • 5 minute read
In the seventh post in this series covering the works of the flesh, we look at several strategies we can use to combat the temptation to hate. Hate speech. Hate crimes. Hate mongering. These...
by Eddie Foster December 22, 2014 • 6 minute read
In the sixth post in this series covering the works of the flesh, we look at what sorcery means today and several strategies for combating it. If you ask most professing Christians if they...
by Eddie Foster December 15, 2014 • 5 minute read
In the fifth post in this series covering the works of the flesh, we look at several strategies we can use to combat modern versions of idolatry. Most people in the Western world do not...
by Eddie Foster December 8, 2014 • 5 minute read
In the fourth of our series covering the works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21, we discuss lewdness and strategies to combat it in our life. We know what you are thinking:...
by Eddie Foster December 1, 2014 • 4 minute read
In the third post in this series covering the works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21, we look at several strategies for combating uncleanness. When the word unclean is mentioned...
by Eddie Foster November 17, 2014 • 5 minute read
This post, the first in a series covering the works of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21, discusses several strategies for combating adultery. One of the more famous portions of the...
by Larry Murray August 29, 2014 • 4 minute read
Reflecting on a horrendous experience brought home a powerful lesson about love that I want to share with you: Make time for your family—while you can. It was the type of situation you...
by Debbie Caudle August 27, 2014 • 6 minute read
Our contributor on mental and social issues interviews a friend who has dealt with clinical depression. He shares his perspective on this serious issue. Kirk, now in his early 60s, recalls...
by Debbie Caudle April 1, 2014 • 5 minute read
Everyone likes to receive a gift. But what about the gifts you’ve been receiving all along and didn’t appreciate? How can we make the most of them? Why is it that some people...
by Jeremy Lallier February 18, 2014 • 4 minute read
Many have heard President Roosevelt’s famous quote about fear—but how true is it? Is fear itself really what we need to fear? The Bible holds the answer. The year was 1933. In...
by Johnathan Armstrong January 15, 2014 • 5 minute read
Human beings have a natural attraction to sin—much like magnets of opposite polarity. In order to overcome, we must change our spiritual magnetic polarity! In our modern world, the...