by Ralph Levy July 6, 2012 • 4 minute read
Disturbing reports of torture centers in Syria add to man’s overwhelming history of inhumanity to other men, women and children. When and how will the cruelty end? Warning: This blog...
by Mike Bennett July 6, 2012 • 5 minute read
On the eve of America’s birthday, the IMF warned about the fragile U.S. recovery that threatens not only America’s, but the world’s, economy. If most Americans think about...
by Joel Meeker July 3, 2012 • 5 minute read
Independence Day marks the anniversary of the beginning of the United States of America. But in the midst of troubling trends, what will its future be? Happy birthday, America! Now 236 years...
by Adam Sanders June 29, 2012 • 5 minute read
Are America’s days of greatness over? Have we tested God’s mercy and patience and crossed the line? Has America had her Manasseh moment? Many may wonder what I mean by that....
by Ralph Levy June 26, 2012 • 4 minute read
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling on “fleeting expletives” hinged on a lack of definition of what is prohibited. But God’s standards have not changed! What is a “fleeting...
by Joel Meeker June 21, 2012 • 4 minute read
Greece inched back from the brink of exiting the euro, but the issues have not gone away. What’s the mood after the Greek elections? Where is Europe headed? I’m writing from...
by Ralph Levy June 19, 2012 • 5 minute read
Egypt’s historic presidential election was overshadowed by court and military decisions that many Egyptians feel amount to a countercoup. Egypt’s elections, which should have...
by Mike Bennett June 15, 2012 • 4 minute read
Europe remains a hot spot in world news—and in end-time prophecy. What will this weekend’s election in Greece bring? “Europe on Edge Over Crisis” said the top...
by Mike Bennett June 11, 2012 • 4 minute read
God’s message can be summarized by the word gospel, which means good news. And couldn’t we all use more good news! We see and hear bad news every day. Here are just a few of the...