by Sam Shrauner March 12, 2013 • 3 minute read
Jesus is professed as Savior and worshipped by billions. But you may be surprised that much of what is commonly taught about Him is based on myths. Just who was Jesus Christ? Historians,...
by Ted Japhet March 8, 2013 • 4 minute read
The apostle Peter shared a list of qualities we need to develop to become more like our loving God. These growth goals include the love God has. There are many scriptures that tell us what...
by Tim Groves March 7, 2013 • 3 minute read
Jesus warned that in the end times the love of many would grow cold. What is causing the increasing apathy and desensitization and the decreasing compassion? Last July a man was struck by a...
by Kevin Scarbrough March 4, 2013 • 4 minute read
“Whether on Facebook, Twitter, message boards or websites, we say things to each other that we would never say face to face. Shouldn’t we know better by now?” “Why...
by Mike Bennett February 27, 2013 • 4 minute read
With the pope’s resignation and Italy’s inconclusive election, the world focuses on leadership changes that will affect 1 billion Catholics and the eurozone. Perhaps 150,000...
by Eddie Johnson February 26, 2013 • 4 minute read
With so many conflicting beliefs in established Christianity, do you wonder how the churches can be so contrary to one another and still be proclaiming “the truth”? You never see...
by Rhonda Waddle February 25, 2013 • 4 minute read
Finding Go, Dog. Go! on the bookshelf led me to reflect on the importance of reading for our children’s success in so many areas of life. Recently I was cleaning my children’s...
by Paul Suckling February 21, 2013 • 3 minute read
Watching the news about the search for the next pope raised an interesting question. If you are searching for someone who loves God, what should you look for? The resignation of the current...
by Joshua Travers February 21, 2013 • 4 minute read
You know without a doubt that you’re right. You are sure that you know what your friends should do. Yet is insisting you are right always the best move? There are times when you know...
by Sam Shrauner February 20, 2013 • 5 minute read
Does evolution overstate the benefits of mutations? Could evolution be blind to a spiritual reality that includes a benevolent extraterrestrial genius? The debate between evolution and...
by Tim Groves February 19, 2013 • 5 minute read
Last week’s meteor and asteroid encounters grabbed headlines. The Bible shows that God will use cosmic activity to get the world’s attention in the years ahead. For the last...
by Eddie Foster February 14, 2013 • 5 minute read
Even with the previous posts, we still may fail at controlling our emotions. How can we be successful in overcoming our out-of-control emotions?