Wedding Garment
“But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment.”
Jesus told the parable of the wedding feast to show that “many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). The first group of invited guests, representing the nation of Israel, “made light of it and went their ways” (verse 5). Some even treated the messengers spitefully (verse 6).
But the wedding was still on, and so the king, representing God the Father, sent out messengers everywhere to invite “both bad and good” (verse 10). Jesus then demonstrated that God’s Kingdom is not a “come as you are” affair. We are called to change and put on the wedding garments.
This is explained more fully in Revelation 19:8, describing the marriage supper of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. “And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
Even though we are sinners when called by God, we must repent and change and put on the wedding garments or we will be cast out as the man in the parable was (Matthew 22:13).
Read more about this in the article “Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”
Tomorrow on the Daily Bible Verse Blog: “My Heart Pants” (Psalm 38:9-10).