Two Things to Do on the Sabbath

Psalm 119:171  

My lips shall utter praise, for You teach me Your statutes.

This verse is helpful to think about on God’s Sabbath day. The Sabbath is a day set aside to do both things spoken of in this verse: praise God and to be taught by God.

Consider two ways we can do each on God’s Sabbath:

Praise God:

  • Through our personal prayers to God on the Sabbath (Matthew 6:9).
  • During congregational hymns at Sabbath services (Psalm 35:18).

Learn from God:

  • Through personal Bible study on the Sabbath (2 Timothy 3:16).
  • Through instruction by God’s servants at Sabbath services (Romans 10:14).

For more guidance on how to keep the Sabbath, read “How to Keep the Sabbath as a Christian.”

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