God Hears!

Psalm 3:3-4  

But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the LORD with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah.

Listen to the "Verse by Verse" episode covering this scripture.

The superscription says David wrote this psalm while fleeing from Absalom, his son. Even in this sad, stressful and discouraging time, David knew He could count on God. God was his shield—his help and encouragement.

Even more, the great Creator of the universe was willing to hear him! Even at our lowest points, God is willing to hear us from His high and holy throne room in heaven.

It must become our habit to take our deepest and most trying problems to God. It takes character and faith to do this and to rely on Him for deliverance.

Study more about prayer in our article “How to Pray.”

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