A Good and Kind God

Psalm 136:1  

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

This psalm is unique in that at the end of each verse the enduring mercy of God is repeated. In all 26 verses in this psalm, the writer ends every thought with “for His mercy endures forever.”

The Hebrew word translated “mercy” (chesed) here involves mercy by showing kindness, while another Hebrew word translated “mercy” (chanan) involves mercy by showing pity (for example, in Psalm 6:2).

So the first verse of this psalm sets the tone: Give thanks to God because He is good and demonstrates His goodness through His perfect kindness. Our response to God’s kindness should be thankfulness.

  • Verses 4-5 show that the incredible universe we live in reflects both the greatness and goodness of God.
  • Verses 6-9 show how God made the earth habitable for man and the celestial bodies for the benefit of man.
  • Verses 10-22 show God’s acts of kindness to the descendants of Israel.
  • Verses 23-26 show that God extends kindness to us because He knows we are human and weak.

God still abundantly shows kindness every day to those who obey Him (Psalm 68:19). We should, like the psalmist, reciprocate by giving thanks daily to God in our prayers (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

To learn more about the kindness God shows to human beings, read our article “God Is Good.”

Tomorrow on the Daily Bible Verse Blog: “The Source of Victory.”

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