A Fruitful Vine

Psalm 128:3  

Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table.

There are several things we can learn from this psalm. First, God promises to bless a family that fears the Lord and walks in His ways (verse 1). When a husband leads his family in following God, God says his wife can be “like a fruitful vine.” Being fruitful is not limited just to having children. Godly women can also be fruitful in wisdom and management. Study Proverbs 31 for more details on how women can practice these traits.

Also, God compares children to olive plants. An olive plant may have many shoots that come from its roots, and those who obey God may have many children who are close by and close-knit. They will share a unique bond, something that is often lacking in the world today.

To learn more about the wonderful purposes God has for women and men and the family, read our articles on the role of women and the role of men.

Tomorrow on the Daily Bible Verse Blog: “People Looking for Trouble.”

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