Speaking of... Life, Hope & Truth


If God gave you the chance to ask for anything you wanted, what would you request? When God opened this door for a king named Solomon, he asked God for something quite unusual: “Give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil” [1 Kings 3:9].

Discernment—the ability to perceive or recognize. In today’s world of moral confusion and constantly shifting standards of right and wrong, we would do well to “cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding,” as Solomon instructed his son to do [Proverbs 2:3].

This matter of discernment is one that receives serious emphasis in the Bible. God said the priests in Israel should, “Teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean” [Ezekiel 44:23]. They continually failed to do this, however, and God’s people continually drifted away from Him.

Later Jesus took the religious leaders of His day to task, even calling them hypocrites, and saying, “You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times” [Matthew 16:3].

Would you say that religion today is leading people to a keen understanding of good and evil? Who today seems to know “the signs of the times”? That is, what is going on in this world? Where is humanity heading, given our behavior? Are we in the last days? If so, what should we have our eyes on? 

Aren’t these some of the most important matters of life? If you agree, and share our belief that the world is in serious need of godly understanding, then let us share with you our brand-new publication, Discern: a Magazine of Life, Hope and Truth.

Today, Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, we are excited to offer, free of charge, this bimonthly, online e-magazine that will give you insight based on an in-depth analysis of God’s Word, the Bible. For example, here are some of the articles you will find in this first issue:

Two related articles—“Neither Shall They Learn War Anymore” and “World Peace: How It Will Come”—explain how humanity’s painful curse of war will come to an end.

Another is “Why Am I Suffering?” Is there any person who has not asked where is God when we suffer? Doesn’t He care?

We have “7 Keys to Better Relationships.” Why do some relationships sour and end? What principles can we glean from the Bible to preserve or heal our relationships with family and friends?

Yet another explores practical ways to “Change Your Life in 2014.” Another provocative article asks, “Can You Handle the Truth?” Nearly everyone says they want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth—but then they ignore it! Why?

We will also feature regular columns, and one of them is titled “Christ vs. Christianity.” That’s right, Jesus Himself was very direct about religious people calling on Him, yet teaching contrary to His word. 

These articles will encourage and inspire you, will give you different perspectives on God’s Word than anything you’ve seen before, and will often challenge commonly-held beliefs in surprising ways.

Like everything else we offer here at Life, Hope & Truth, not only is it free, but we will never ask you for money. We are committed to the principle that “freely you have received, freely give.” We’re interested in giving the truth of God to you, not getting something from you.

So all you have to do is click here and follow the really simple directions to subscribe, and we’ll send you an email with the link to your first issue.

Don’t let the world around you catch you in its net of moral and spiritual confusion! Let us help you discern between good and evil, and the signs of the times!

For Life, Hope & Truth, I’m Clyde Kilough.