Bible Stories for Kids

Kids of all ages love stories! Parents and grandparents can use Bible stories to teach their children and grandchildren about God and what He wants us to do.

The Bible is full of stories. They tell us about God. They tell us about people who did good things, and people who did bad things. They can teach us, encourage us, and help us make good choices.

The Bible stories in this section all have coloring pages that can be downloaded and printed. Parents can read these stories to their children, and older children can enjoy reading the stories themselves. Many of the downloadable lessons also have “Quiz Time” questions and questions for discussion.

If you have suggestions for other Bible stories we should add, please let us know. Just use our “Contact” form.

We pray these Bible stories will be a blessing to you, whether you are 1 or 101! Parents can also find many more educational materials and crafts in our “Encourage, Equip & Inspire” section.

Adam and Eve and the Two Trees

Adam and Eve and the Two Trees

PDF to print for family reading

God Tests Abraham’s Faith

God Tests Abraham’s Faith

PDF to print for family reading

Esau and Jacob and the Birthright

Esau and Jacob and the Birthright

PDF to print for family reading

Jacob Is Deceived by Laban

Jacob Is Deceived by Laban

PDF to print for family reading

Joseph: The Slave Becomes the One Who Saves

Joseph: The Slave Becomes the One Who Saves

PDF to print for family reading

Moses: From Pharaoh’s Palace to the Burning Bush

Moses: From Pharaoh’s Palace to the Burning Bush

PDF to print for family reading

Moses Returns to Egypt: The 10 Plagues

Moses Returns to Egypt: The 10 Plagues

PDF to print for family reading

A Story of the First Passover

A Story of the First Passover

PDF to print for family reading

Moses and the 10 Commandments

Moses and the 10 Commandments

PDF to print for family reading

Rahab and the Two Spies

Rahab and the Two Spies

PDF to print for family reading

Joshua at Jericho: The Walls Fall Down

Joshua at Jericho: The Walls Fall Down

PDF to print for family reading

Gideon, Baal and the Curse of the Midianites, Part 1

Gideon, Baal and the Curse of the Midianites, Part 1

PDF to print for family reading

Gideon, Baal and the Curse of the Midianites, Part 2

Gideon, Baal and the Curse of the Midianites, Part 2

PDF to print for family reading

Samson, Delilah and the Secret

Samson, Delilah and the Secret

PDF to print for family reading

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz Are Blessed

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz Are Blessed

PDF to print for family reading

Hannah’s Gift—Samuel

Hannah’s Gift—Samuel

PDF to print for family reading

God Chooses David to Be King

God Chooses David to Be King

PDF to print for family reading

Jehoshaphat and the Choir That Led an Army

Jehoshaphat and the Choir That Led an Army

PDF to print for family reading

The Little Maid From Israel

The Little Maid From Israel

PDF to print for family reading

King Ahaz Copies a Pagan Altar

King Ahaz Copies a Pagan Altar

PDF to print for family reading

King Hezekiah and the Assyrian Bullies

King Hezekiah and the Assyrian Bullies

PDF to print for family reading

Josiah: The Boy Who Became King

Josiah: The Boy Who Became King

PDF to print for family reading

Daniel and His Three Friends in Babylon

Daniel and His Three Friends in Babylon

PDF to print for family reading

Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego and the Fiery Furnace

Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego and the Fiery Furnace

PDF to print for family reading

Darius, Daniel and the Lions

Darius, Daniel and the Lions

PDF to print for family reading

The Story of John the Baptist

The Story of John the Baptist

PDF to print for family reading

The Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ

The Birth and Baptism of Jesus Christ

PDF to print for family reading

Jesus Gives the Beatitudes

Jesus Gives the Beatitudes

PDF to print for family reading

Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles

Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles

PDF to print for family reading

Jesus Blesses Little Children

Jesus Blesses Little Children

PDF to print for family reading

Jesus Enters Jerusalem and Cleans the Temple

Jesus Enters Jerusalem and Cleans the Temple

PDF to print for family reading

Jesus and the New Testament Passover

Jesus and the New Testament Passover

PDF to print for family reading

The Founding of the Church

The Founding of the Church

PDF to print for family reading

Paul and the Road to Damascus

Paul and the Road to Damascus

PDF to print for family reading