Discern - May/June 2022

May/June 2022

Cover Feature

Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting

Parenting isn’t an exact science, and every family is different. What can we do to have the best chance of raising happy, healthy and well-adjusted kids? Listen

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Inflation, Economic Instability and Bible Prophecy
Inflation, Economic Instability and Bible Prophecy

What does Bible prophecy say about end-time economic conditions? How might today’s inflation and economic instability lead toward those conditions? Listen


Why Are Dads Important?
Relationships  Why Are Dads Important?

Dads are a disappearing and often disrespected resource. But what do studies, statistics and Scripture tell us about why dads are important? Listen

The Importance of Mothers
Relationships  The Importance of Mothers

One of God’s most amazing creations is the role of a mother. A mother’s influence helps shape her children and has a profound impact on their future. Listen

Why Celebrate Pentecost?
Life  Why Celebrate Pentecost?

Are you planning to celebrate the biblical Feast of Weeks—Pentecost? This Christian holy day has important meanings that continue to be relevant today. Listen

From Pentecost to . . . Pentecostalism?
Life  From Pentecost to . . . Pentecostalism?

A popular religious movement calls itself Pentecostal. But does this movement accurately reflect what occurred on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2? Listen

When God Is Silent
Life  When God Is Silent

We deeply desire God’s answers to our prayers, but we often wonder when or how He will respond. What do we do when it seems God is silent? Listen

The Powerful Life and Example of John the Baptist
God  The Powerful Life and Example of John the Baptist

Christ’s ministry was introduced by a man called John the Baptist. Who was he? What was John the Baptist’s mission and purpose? What can we learn from him? Listen



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In a world that can be complex and discouraging, it’s refreshing to find thoughtful, practical answers to the questions that affect you.

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Discern Article Series

Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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