Discern - May/June 2014

May/June 2014

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Cover Feature

Why the Decline of Christianity?
Why the Decline of Christianity?

Why are so many Christians losing their faith? Is Christianity irrelevant to people in the 21st century? Or is it actually modern Christianity that is irrelevant to God? Listen

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The Sermon That Launched the Church
Life  The Sermon That Launched the Church

Miraculous events drew a crowd to hear Peter’s Pentecost sermon. His message helped to alter the course of history and has life-changing meaning for us today.

What Is the Holy Spirit?
God  What Is the Holy Spirit?

Perceptions about the Holy Spirit have changed since Acts 2. How would believers in the first century answer the question, What is the Holy Spirit?

Are You Happy?
Bible  Are You Happy?

Many people are not happy! They lead unfulfilled lives and wonder if happiness will ever come. Are you happy? If not, there is a solution you should try.

The Trouble With Listening to Your Heart
Relationships  The Trouble With Listening to Your Heart

Do you trust yourself to make good relationship decisions, or do you find yourself regretting them? How can you guard your heart and make wise decisions?



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In a world that can be complex and discouraging, it’s refreshing to find thoughtful, practical answers to the questions that affect you.

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Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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