Discern - March/April 2018

March/April 2018

Cover Feature

Prejudice: Why It Exists and How It Will End
Prejudice: Why It Exists and How It Will End

Bigotry mars the pages of history, and it’s still alive and well today. But God calls us to rise above prejudice and promises a world where it can’t exist. Listen

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How to Deal With Guilt and Shame
Change  How to Deal With Guilt and Shame

God has a purpose for guilt—to lead us to repentance so it can be washed away. But feelings of shame and guilt too often are misguided, mishandled and unending. Or buried, rationalized and ignored. Listen

You Will Not Surely Die
Life  “You Will Not Surely Die!”

My early experiences with death led me to consider some profound questions. I found what the Bible teaches more comforting than the funeral platitudes. Listen

The Right to Life, and Committing to the Right Life
Life  The Right to Life, and Committing to the Right Life

The Bible presents a life-or-death situation that faces all of us—and leads us to a great question we each must answer. Listen

Learning From Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement
Relationships  Learning From Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement

Would you like a nickname like that? The powerful biblical example of Barnabas shows us what it means to stand beside your brothers and sisters. Listen

Seven Qualities That Make a Woman Truly Beautiful
Relationships  Seven Qualities That Make a Woman Truly Beautiful

Skin-deep beauty is subjective, fleeting—and big business. Media images and alluring ads create unattainable aspirations. But what does true beauty look like? Listen

Spiritual Ingredients: “The Leaven of Malice and Wickedness”
Life  Spiritual Ingredients: Leaven of Malice and Wickedness

You don’t have to make bread to understand Paul’s command, but knowing about it helps. His list of ingredients to avoid and use is just as important today. Listen

The Last Supper or Passover: Which Should Christians Observe?
Life  The Last Supper or Passover?

Christ’s last meal has caused much controversy. Should we call it Last Supper or Passover? Let’s look at the New Testament to separate facts from fiction. Listen



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In a world that can be complex and discouraging, it’s refreshing to find thoughtful, practical answers to the questions that affect you.

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Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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