Learning Center Audio Books

God’s Gift of Grace

Grace is one of the most common religious words, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. This booklet cuts through the confusion. It offers a straightforward definition and confronts a question too often ignored: What are Christians expected to do with the gift of grace?

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The Middle East in Prophecy

The Middle East has long been a flash point of conflict, and the Bible foretells more to come. But it also speaks of a future time of peace on the horizon. How will it come?

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The Book of Revelation: The Storm Before the Calm

From vivid images of carnage to sublime visions of beauty, the book of Revelation explains what will happen before and after Jesus Christ’s return to earth. What does it mean for our lives—now and in the future?

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The Spirit World: Facts and Fallacies

There are countless theories and beliefs about spirit beings, but there is only one reliable source. Explore the incredible truths about the spirit world revealed in the Bible!

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Five Tools for Spiritual Growth

If you want a deeper relationship with God, the tools are within your reach.

God gives us five powerful spiritual tools designed to strengthen our connection with Him and help us grow as Christians. Our five-part book will walk you through what you can accomplish with these tools and offer advice on the best ways to put each one to use.

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Fundamental Beliefs of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association

These 20 foundational beliefs stand on Scripture and form the basis of the Church’s understanding of God’s truth, His plan of salvation for mankind in Jesus Christ and the message of the Church.

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The World to Come

The Bible reveals that Jesus Christ is returning to establish His Kingdom here on earth. His rule will begin a complete transformation of our world. This audio book will guide you through the Scriptures to discover what this new world will be like and the part you can have in it.

This audio book is 2 hours 29 minutes.

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God’s Purpose for You

Have you ever wondered about the purpose for your life?
For thousands of years mankind has searched for answers to questions like “What is the purpose for humanity?” and “Do we have a future after we die?” 
What if the answers were there all along in God’s Word, the Bible?
This audio book will guide you through Scripture to discover the amazing purpose God has for you!

This audio book is 1 hour 38 minutes.

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The United States, Britain & the Commonwealth in Prophecy

The English-speaking peoples have dominated the world scene for more than 200 years. Why did such rich blessings of wealth, resources and national power come to these nations?

The British Empire was dismantled in the 20th century, and many see American power weakening. A staggering turn in world events is coming, and it will directly involve the decline of these nations. In order to understand what’s ahead, we must understand their biblical identity and prophesied future.

What does the future hold for these nations and our world?

This audio book is 4 hours 28 minutes.

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Change Your Life

Do you want to see your life change, but wonder what to do? This e-book will help you identify the most important changes you can make, and it shows how these changes will make all the difference in your life! You really can experience the life God wants you to have—one full of meaning, satisfaction and joy!

This audio book is 48 minutes.

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The Last Enemy: What Happens After Death?

This life is all too fleeting, and we naturally want there to be something more. But how can we really know what happens beyond the great gulf of death? Chances are you’ve never found a satisfactory or convincing answer. Is death a terrifying reality to be feared, or is there a hopeful, satisfying answer to what happens after death?

This audio book is 1 hour 29 minutes.

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The Sabbath: A Neglected Gift From God

In today’s stressful, nonstop, 24/7 world, couldn’t you use a breather—a chance to refocus on what’s truly important? From the beginning, God designed a day of rest and refreshment as a special blessing for humanity. He made this day—the seventh-day Sabbath—to be a memorial of creation and deliverance, a sign of obedience to God and a type of the coming rule of Jesus Christ on the earth. Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath and that it was made for humanity’s benefit. So why do so few Christians today observe the Sabbath? In this booklet, explore the fascinating biblical story of the Sabbath and how you can enjoy the wonderful benefits of this neglected gift from God.

This audio book is 1 hour 5 minutes.

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Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering

If God is all powerful and all good, why doesn’t He stop every war, murder and tragedy? The Bible shows there is a time coming when He will. But why not now—and when will it be?

Download our audio book “Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?” today and learn what the Bible teaches about:

  • What is the real source of evil in the world?
  • Could God give us freedom of choice and still prevent all evil and suffering?
  • Why does God allow suffering in the lives of those who are trying to obey Him?
  • How can good come from adversity?
  • When will suffering end?

This audio book is 19 minutes.

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God’s 10 Commandments: Still Relevant Today

Why is the world so violent? Why do half of Western marriages end in divorce and so many children live in single-parent families? What are so many overlooking? What is the missing key to living a happy and productive life? If you want true peace and happiness, acting on the biblical lessons in this booklet is vitally important to you!

This audio book is 1 hour 19 minutes.

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Mystery of the Kingdom

Searching for the Kingdom of God? Bible prophecy gives more space to the topic of the Kingdom of God than to any other subject. And yet, even with vast amounts of information available on the Internet, there seems to be so little accurate information available about the Kingdom of God. Why do people around the world know so little about it? The Bible says Jesus Christ came “preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,” and still the majority of humanity has no knowledge of what it is, where it is or, for that matter, if they will be a part of it. How can we have so much information and yet so little insight?

This audio book—“The Mystery of the Kingdom”—helps cut through the confusion of conflicting ideas and provides understanding about the amazing truths of the coming Kingdom of God!

This audio book is 1 hour 10 minutes.

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