Discern - September/October 2017

September/October 2017

Cover Feature

The Reformation That Didn’t Go Far Enough
The Reformation That Didn’t Go Far Enough

Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago by posting his “95 Theses.” But did this religious revolution restore true Christianity? Listen

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Wars and Rumors of a New Warfare
World InSight: Wars and Rumors of a New Warfare

Fears of Russian meddling are not only reshaping the media, but also geopolitical alliances, warfare and the future of Europe. Where will they lead? Listen


The Reformation to Come
Prophecy  The Reformation to Come

Activists demand change, and leaders try to introduce reforms. But when Christ returns, He will truly bring the transformation this world so desperately needs. Listen

Where Are We Now in Bible Prophecy?
Prophecy  Where Are We Now in Bible Prophecy?

How close are we to the end of the world? Is it even possible to know? Listen

When Was the Last Time You Died?
Life  When Was the Last Time You Died?

More than one in five professing Christians in the United States believes in reincarnation. What are its origins and what does the Bible say? Listen

“The Fast That I Have Chosen”
God  “The Fast That I Have Chosen”

What does God look for when we fast? What are the deeper spiritual purposes and benefits? Listen

Confronting Addiction
Change  Confronting Addiction

Our brains’ wiring and society’s temptations put us at risk of various addictions. We must escape these powerful and destructive habits. Here’s how to start. Listen



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In a world that can be complex and discouraging, it’s refreshing to find thoughtful, practical answers to the questions that affect you.

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Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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