Discern - May/June 2017

May/June 2017

Cover Feature

Why Is the World in Chaos?
Why Is the World in Chaos?

Unrest, war, poverty and extreme ideological divides are multiplying around the globe. How did we get in this mess? Is there a way out? Listen

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A Renewed “Special Relationship”?
A Renewed “Special Relationship”?

The United States and the United Kingdom have an enduring bond that is more crucial than ever with both nations now charting new courses following turbulent results at the polls. Listen


How to Have a Sound Mind
Change  How to Have a Sound Mind

What is going on? Why all the violence, hatred and evil in the world? What is causing the unsound thinking, and what is the key to sound mindedness? Listen

Dealing With Outrage Fatigue
Life  Dealing With Outrage Fatigue

We live in an age of outrage, and more destructive and infuriating things happen every year. How does God want us to react? How can we avoid burnout? Listen

Why Pray “Thy Kingdom Come”?
God  Why Pray “Thy Kingdom Come”?

Why did Jesus Christ teach us to pray for the Kingdom? Listen

Why Did God Let Jessica Die?
Life  Why Did God Let Jessica Die?

What could be more devastating and inexplicable than the death of an innocent child! Why? How could a loving God allow such a tragedy? Listen

What Do I Have to Do to Be Heard?
God  What Do I Have to Do to Be Heard?

It’s easy to make noise, but hard to be heard. In a sea of competing voices, the Bible reveals the secret to being heard and finding the answers you’re looking for. Listen

How to Honor Your Parents as an Adult
Relationships  How to Honor Your Parents as an Adult

When we leave home, we don’t leave the Fifth Commandment behind. But what does honoring our parents mean when we are adults? Listen

“If Your Right Eye Causes You to Sin, Pluck It Out”
Change  “If Your Right Eye Causes You to Sin, Pluck It Out”

Jesus used startling statements to make a vital point—that our spiritual condition is far more important than our physical condition. Sin must be removed! Listen



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Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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