Discern - March/April 2025

March/April 2025

Cover Feature

Stylized line drawing of a balance with a head with light bulb (to represent myths) and an open Bible (to represent truth). This illustrated the article Five Myths About Grace.
Five Myths About Grace

Grace is one of the most recognized concepts in the Bible, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. Listen

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Graphic to represent day and night. This is to illustrate the article How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?
God  How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?

Jesus said He would be in the grave three days and three nights. But can you get three days and three nights from Good Friday to sunrise on Easter Sunday? Listen

Photo of a lamb, to illustrate the article Jesus and Passover: How Did Passover Change Under the New Covenant?
Life  Jesus and Passover: How Did Passover Change Under the New Covenant?

On the evening before His crucifixion, Jesus observed the Passover with His disciples in a new way. How did this festival’s meaning and observance change? Listen

Graphic illustration of a person with hand on forehead to illustrate the article Drowning in Debt.
Relationships  Drowning in Debt

Debt can be a terrible curse, creating anxiety, family conflict and despair. How can you get your head above water and deal with debt? Listen

Colorful scenic photo to illustrate the article Caring for God’s Creation
Life  Caring for God’s Creation

God said His creation was very good. How would He rate our stewardship of what He’s entrusted to us? What’s the proper balance in caring for the creation? Why? Listen

Photo of a crown of thorns and a bloody crucifixion nail to illustrate the article,
God  The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ—You Don’t Need It, Unless . . .

Many non-Christians question why they should care about the sacrifice of a God they don’t believe in. The answer requires looking beyond this life. Listen

Graphic of a small boat in a storm to illustrate the article Jesus Calms the Storm.
God  Jesus Calms the Storm

After a tiring day, Jesus withdrew to the sea to rest. But when an unexpected storm arose, it provided a powerful lesson for the disciples—and us. Listen

Photo looking up at a circle of friendly faces to illustrate the article Become All Things to All Men
Life  Become All Things to All Men

The apostle Paul wrote that he had “become all things to all men.” What did he mean, and what impact should this principle have on Christians today? Listen



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Christ Versus Christianity
Walk as He Walked
Christianity in Progress
Wonders of God's Creation

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