Corruption, dysfunction, division and dissension are contributing to a crisis of trust. Conflicts of all types are fueling a climate of instability in the world as we begin 2019. But there is light at the end of the tunnel! Listen
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Venezuela is in the throes of an economic death spiral. The resulting violence and hunger have propelled a mass exodus that threatens the entire region. What led to the implosion, and could it spread? Listen
The truths of the Bible are not just about head knowledge. God wants us to be cut to the heart and to commit to change and grow. Is it now time to act? Listen
As the world becomes increasingly secular and atheistic, Christianity itself is being critically examined. What would Jesus say about this sobering crisis? Listen
Too often, doing a good deed can come with a heavy price. Is the cost of doing good worth the reward? Is there even a reward? Today’s society might say no, but Scripture shows us otherwise. Listen
Words of encouragement and thanks have great power. Here are some key benefits of appreciation and some of the most effective ways to express gratitude. Listen
Doesn’t God like goats? When God separates the sheep and the goats, you won’t want to be a goat! What does the parable of the sheep and the goats mean? Listen
Some believe that Jesus replaced the 10 Commandments with “new” commandments. Did Jesus teach obedience to the 10 Commandments or did He abolish them? Listen
In a world that can be complex and discouraging, it’s refreshing to find thoughtful, practical answers to the questions that affect you.
DISCERN: A Magazine of Life, Hope & Truth will bring you interesting, life-changing articles and columns each issue. Our writers are dedicated to giving you meaningful insights that are relevant to your life now and that can give you solid hope for your future.
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