Shepherding the Heart Display Cards

Shepherding the Heart Display Cards

This learning activity is to accompany the nine lessons from the Shepherding the Heart section on EEI. Each display card highlights a different moral precept. On the front you will find a character trait and its definition. On the back  you will find three “I Can...” statements along with three “Guard and Guide” scriptures for reinforcement. The “I Can...” statements help keep focus on what your child should say when he or she needs encouragement. Display your cards somewhere in your home as you work on each lesson!

Click "Download Now" for the step-by-step instructions to create this learning activity.

Further Your Study



Faith in God is regularly developed through courage in trusting Him. Courage is a foundational character trait in the life of a Christian. Learn how to actively build it in your children’s lives and learn about the giants Read More >



An attitude of choice and deep appreciation, gratitude should be a fundamental trait of a Christian. Help your children cultivate this beautiful quality, even through hardships, ultimately looking to God as the giver of all good gifts. Counteract selfishness with Read More >