What are some things you know about the Day of Atonement, both in the Old and New Testaments?
Prompts if no response: Day of fasting from food and water; represents Satan being put away for 1,000 years; afflicting our souls and drawing close to God; being at one with God; one goat was recognized as Satan and another goat was recognized as Jesus Christ in the Old Testament ceremony; the Jubilee year.
Discussion Question 1:
Why do you think most professing Christians don’t keep the Day of Atonement?
Prompts if no response: They think it is for Jewish people; fasting is hard to do (especially for 24 hours); many people don’t believe that Satan is a real being but is just a symbol of evil; etc.
Discussion Question 2:
Why is it so important for Satan to be put away as part of God’s plan?
Prompts if no response: His influence has confused and negatively affected the entire world. He is constantly trying to accuse us and find ways to attack us. He is our enemy.
Discussion Question 3:
Why do you think God wants people to fast on the Day of Atonement?
Prompts if no response: So they remember that the spiritual is more important than physical needs. So they learn that being at one with God means that eventually we will be spiritual and not physical. For focus and clarity about God’s plan.
Hypothetical 1:
What would you think or say if you heard this: “Satan is not real. He is just a boogeyman parents tell their children about to make them behave.”
Prompts if no response: The Bible talks about Satan multiple times and about all the different ways he influences and deceives people (temptation, lies, broadcasting attitudes…). The same Bible that tells us all about God tells us all about Satan, too, so you can’t just pick one to believe and the other to ignore.
Hypothetical 2:
What would you say if you were asked: “Why don’t you fast and go to school? Why do you have to take the day off school and go to church?”
Prompts if no response: God’s holy days are commanded assemblies, and they are days that He commanded no work to be done, which includes a full day of learning at school.
How might the world be different without Satan and his influence?
Prompts if no response: People would be a lot nicer; people would be more open to learning about God; people wouldn’t be so quick to be selfish or arrogant; there would be less crime and less taking advantage of other people; etc.
Scriptures for more study or reference
Leviticus 23; Leviticus 16; Acts 27:9; Leviticus 23:1-2; Revelation 20:1-3; Joel 2:12; Ephesians 2:2; Revelation 12:9; John 8:44
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What are some things you know about Pentecost from the Old Testament and the New Testament? Further your study on the topic of Pentecost with these guided discussion questions.
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