What are some things you know about the Days of Unleavened Bread from the Old and the New Testaments?
(Prompts if no response: We’re to remove leaven from our homes and eat unleavened bread. Leaven symbolizes sin, and unleavened bread symbolizes righteousness and freedom from sin. It is seven days long. The Night to Be Much Observed reminds us that God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. And so forth.)
Discussion question 1:
Let’s list some obvious sources of leaven. What about sneaky types of leaven?
(Prompts if no response: Cookies, cake, donuts and bread are obvious. But there are flat breads that still have leaven. Chicken and steak can be breaded. Baking powder and baking soda can be in random foods that aren’t even baked. And so forth.)
Discussion question 2:
Getting rid of leaven is also to help us think spiritually about being free from sin. What lessons have we learned or could we learn from cleaning our homes in this way?
(Prompts if no response: Leaven/sin is really hard to get rid of. Leaven/sin can get into very strange places in our lives and hide out for years. Leaven/sin that is left for a while can leave a stain even when cleaned. And so forth.)
Discussion question 3:
Jesus Christ talked about the leaven of hypocrisy, and Paul mentioned the leaven of malice and wickedness. What are some examples of these you might have seen?
(Prompts if no response: Hypocrisy—people yelling at others for doing the same thing they do, being “two-faced” in different situations, etc. Malice—taking advantage of people, lying about someone, etc. Wickedness—disobeying God’s law in various ways, pagan worship that is called Christian, atheism, racism, etc.)
Hypothetical 1:
What would you think or say back if you heard this: “Keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread is trying to earn your salvation instead of respecting Jesus Christ’s sacrifice”?
(Prompts if no response: We follow God’s commands because we love Him and respect Him enough to listen to Him instead of deciding for ourselves what will please Him. Christ freed us so we would not live in sin. And so forth.)
Hypothetical 2:
What would you think or say back if someone said: “I keep Easter instead. It’s the same thing”?
(Prompts if no response: The Feast of Unleavened Bread does not dwell only on the resurrection like Easter. The Feast of Unleavened Bread requires action. And so forth.)
What are some positive habits our family can practice during the Days of Unleavened Bread and then maintain afterward?
(Prompts if no response: Regular prayer and Bible study, healthy habits of sleep, exercise, meditation, etc.)
Scriptures for more study or reference
1 Corinthians 5:6-8; Exodus 12 and 13; Matthew 23; Leviticus 23:6-8
Two of the three annual holy day seasons—early spring and late spring—are reviewed in this brief study. Teach your children about the first three annual festivals and what they picture in God’s plan of
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Need a quick overview of the second annual festival in God’s holy day plan? Enjoy our infographic covering the key components of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Read the full lesson in our Word of God section.
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