Monthly Study Guide: Obedience

Monthly Study Guide: Obedience

Would you like to see improved obedience and trust levels within your family? Ideas to encourage obedience for ages ranging from preschoolers to teenagers are included. The four-week study guide draws from material in the Shepherding the HeartPeople of the BibleMemorizing Scriptureand Additional Resources sections of the parenting manual.

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Obedience is an attitude of the heart, demonstrated through love and trust. Read about how to cultivate the attitude of obedience in your children, learn about positive roles of authority, and discover how the concept of sowing and reaping reinforces Read More >

Abraham and the Amazing Promises

Abraham and the Amazing Promises

Because of his profound faith and obedience, Abraham was offered some astonishing promises from God. It took patience, but Abraham learned that God keeps His promises. Read this inspiring account about how God makes the impossible possible. Read More >