Monthly Study Guide: Kindness in Action

Monthly Study Guide: Kindness in Action

Would you like words and actions in your household to teem with the beautiful, tender quality of kindness? Delve into this study guide and begin implementing strategies to see success. This monthly study guide draws on materials from the Shepherding the HeartPeople of the Bibleand Memorizing Scripture sections of the parenting manual.

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Kindness is a topic that goes much deeper than just being outwardly polite. It springs from a deep desire to love our neighbor and extend godly compassion to others. Help your children learn and develop sincere thoughtfulness in action through Read More >

The Good Neighbor

The Good Neighbor

Is the parable of the Good Samaritan just a nice story about helping someone in need? What does being neighborly and loving our neighbor actually entail? Find answers to these questions and more to ponder in our lesson. Read More >