Monthly Study Guide: Courage

Monthly Study Guide: Courage

Living God’s way of life requires a daily exercise of courage and faith. Download and go through this study guide to build more courage in your family over the next month. This four-week study course draws from lessons in the Shepherding the HeartPeople of the BibleMemorizing Scriptureand Additional Resources sections of the parenting manual.

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Faith in God is regularly developed through courage in trusting Him. Courage is a foundational character trait in the life of a Christian. Learn how to actively build it in your children’s lives and learn about the giants Read More >

David, a Youth Whose Heart Pleased God

David, a Youth Whose Heart Pleased God

In this story of absolute faith and trust, the young David had the courage to face the giant Goliath in battle. Be reminded of this inspiring story of how God works out seemingly impossible events in people’s lives Read More >

Esther, a Courageous Queen

Esther, a Courageous Queen

A young Jewish woman is chosen as the next Queen of Persia. Learn about her courageous and wise approach to this position of honor and how she saved her people from an evil enemy who wished them harm. Read More >

The Little Maid From Israel, a Leper, and a Miracle

The Little Maid From Israel, a Leper, and a Miracle

Imagine being abducted at a young age, taken to a foreign land away from everything familiar, and placed as a servant in a wealthy household. Learn about the courageous faith of a young girl and a miracle performed through God Read More >



The Bible is the textbook and etching its scriptures into the hearts and minds of your children is the teaching directive. Just how do you go about doing this? Try any of these 12 different methods, including group participation options that Read More >

Which Scriptures?

Which Scriptures?

​Just where do you begin with memory scriptures? Choose from these 21 verses about God, His Word, and His instructions to get started. Creative interactions are included to help engage your children and reinforce the meaning of the scriptures. Read More >

Heroes of Faith

Heroes of Faith

Who inspires you from the “faith chapter,” Hebrews 11? Create this chart and add additional names of people from the Bible or faithful individuals you have known personally. Makes a great accompaniment to our “Feast of Trumpets” Read More >