What are some things you know about the Feast of Tabernacles in the Old and the New Testaments?
Prompts if no response: Leaving our homes to live in temporary dwellings or booths for seven days, symbolizing the millennium and reign of Jesus Christ and the saints; rejoicing and celebrating a time of no war or sickness; saving second tithe all year for the Feast; etc.
Discussion Question 1:
What are some ways we prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles?
Prompts if no response: Let work and school know we need several days off, pack our clothes and necessities, make reservations for where we stay, get directions for the sites, budget our tithe so we have enough for the whole week, think of ways to help and serve others who are going to the Feast, etc.
Discussion Question 2:
Why do you think most professing Christians do not keep the Feast?
Prompts if no response: They think it is for Jewish people. Taking off work and school for more than a week is hard. They think everyone is going to heaven instead of Christ reigning on the earth. They think of only the Old Testament command of making booths rather than the New Testament fulfillment of symbolizing the Millennium.
Discussion Question 3:
What will the world be like with Jesus Christ in charge for 1,000 years?
Prompts if no response: No more crime or fear of losing our lives. Sicknesses will be healed. Animals will be changed into being playful rather than dangerous. People will learn about the God of the Bible instead of different versions of God that have been made up over the years.
Hypothetical 1:
What would you think or say if you heard this: “It would be such a burden to keep a festival tithe all year and then have to travel somewhere every year.”
Prompts if no response: The Feast is enjoyable and always at unique sites every year; learning about God every day and then spending time rejoicing doesn’t seem like a burden; saving up money for a break from work and school every year sounds great.
Hypothetical 2:
What would you say if you were asked: “Why do you go to different sites and stay in a hotel? Jewish people build a booth in their backyards and just spend some of each day in their booths.”
Prompts if no response: We celebrate the Christian fulfillment of this holy day, including the aspect of rejoicing in the knowledge of the coming Kingdom and being with hundreds or thousands of other brethren together. We do many things differently than the Jewish religion does because we are Christians.
What are some of your favorite Feast sites? What are some of your favorite Feast traditions?
Prompts if no response: Beach sites, mountain sites, international sites, etc. Fun traditions include toasting at the beginning of the Feast, road trips to far off destinations, getting together with friends, sharing a big house with family or friends, seeing natural wonders or attractions we would never be able to afford or see any other time of the year.
Why is it so important for Satan to be put away as part of God’s plan? Find out more on the Day of Atonement with these guided discussion questions.
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The third annual holy day season is reviewed in this brief study. Teach your children about the final four festivals and what they reveal about the Kingdom of God. Find ideas for activities to complete with your children and a
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Why is it so important for Satan to be put away as part of God’s plan? Find out more on the Day of Atonement with these guided discussion questions.
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The third annual holy day season is reviewed in this brief study. Teach your children about the final four festivals and what they reveal about the Kingdom of God. Find ideas for activities to complete with your children and a
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Why is it so important for Satan to be put away as part of God’s plan? Find out more on the Day of Atonement with these guided discussion questions.
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The third annual holy day season is reviewed in this brief study. Teach your children about the final four festivals and what they reveal about the Kingdom of God. Find ideas for activities to complete with your children and a
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