Guided Discussion: The Eighth Day Or The Last Great Day

A guided discussion on the topic of the Eighth Day or the Last Great Day

Guided Discussion: The Eighth Day Or The Last Great Day


What are some things you know about the Eighth Day or Last Great Day in the Old and the New Testaments?

Prompts if no response: A holy convocation that happens right after the Feast of Tabernacles ends. It symbolizes the second resurrection and a chance of salvation for all those who never understood or knew God. After the Millennium, when everything physical will turn to spiritual, the Kingdom of God will last forever. It’s the last holy day of the year.

Discussion Question 1:

Why do you think most professing Christians don’t keep the Eighth Day or Last Great Day?

Prompts if no response: They think it is only for Jewish people. They only believe in going to heaven and not the different resurrections in the Bible. They believe there is only one chance for salvation in this present time.

Discussion Question 2:

What does the Eighth Day or Last Great Day show us about God?

Prompts if no response: He is merciful and loving and wants all to be given eternal life. He is giving all people the best possible chance at eternal life (whether it was in the past, is now, or is after Christ returns). He is fair and just.

Discussion Question 3:

Why do we in the Church call the Eighth Day the Last Great Day?

Prompts if no response: Because of the huge meaning and symbolism of the day; it is the last holy day of the year and the last step in God’s plan of salvation; it is great in the number of people that will hopefully become a part of God’s Kingdom (billions), and great in its description of what will happen for all those who have never known about God.

Hypothetical 1:

What would you think or say if you heard this: “There is only one chance for salvation, and that is now. That’s why we have to make sure the whole world knows about Jesus.”

Prompts if no response: Millions of people were born before the birth of Christ, and after His birth, millions of people never fully know Him, and they are not doomed for their ignorance. God would not be fair if He judged people who didn’t know about His way of life for not knowing about His way of life.

Hypothetical 2:

What would you say if you were asked: “Does this mean that God gives people second chances even if they don’t follow Him?”

Prompts if no response: God is just and fair and wants everyone to have one fair chance to have eternal life, not a second chance in which no repentance has happened. It is sad that some will refuse that one fair chance and purposefully choose to die rather than be a part of God’s Kingdom (third resurrection).



Who are some people you are looking forward to meeting when they are brought back to life in the second resurrection?

Prompts if no response: Famous historical figures, relatives, close friends, celebrities, etc.


Scriptures for more study or reference

Revelation 20; John 5:28-29; 2 Peter 3:9; Leviticus 23:36; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Revelation 20:11-15

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