All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
—2 Timothy 3:16
Summary Statement
The Bible is made up of two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. It’s also called the Holy Bible, Scripture, or the Word of God. It’s called the Word of God because throughout human history, God had faithful people called prophets write down His words.
The Bible tells us what has happened in the past, how to live today, and what God’s plan for people is both now and in the future. It is the best source to learn about God and how to live His way. And we can trust what’s in it because God always promises to tell the truth, and He can never lie!
Begin Your Study
Read the memory scripture together with your children, then read through the summary statement (remember to simplify the statement, if necessary). Have your children cut and paste the summary statement from this page in their “Fundamentals Bible Study Journal” (as suggested in the Memorizing Scripture resource “The Fundamentals”).
Tell your children that God tells us that His Word is “profitable” for us. Profitable means that something is good for us. Ask your children, What are some ways that God’s Word is good for us? Have them create a list in their notebooks.
Next have your children create a Bible-shaped cutout from a piece of paper (to look like a large, open book). On this large cutout, have them write the memory scripture, 2 Timothy 3:16. When complete, have them display it somewhere in the house where they will see it every day.
Digging Deeper Interaction #1
Remind your children that you are working on memorizing several scriptures in the Bible so that we can all write God’s Word on our hearts. Please read
Jeremiah 31:33
to your children so they can begin to understand what God is doing with His faithful people right now, and how in the future, many more people will learn God’s Word this same way.
Ask your children, Why do you think God wants to have His Word written on our hearts? What does this even mean? You can tell them that God wants us to not only know what He says, but also to do it! It should become a part of who we are.
Tell them that today you’re going to focus on writing God’s Word on your hearts. Create three heart-shaped cutouts and write out three focus scriptures to hang up around the scripture poster of 2 Timothy 3:16 that they’ve already created. These can be scriptures from previous Fundamentals, from the “Which Scriptures?” EEI resource, any verses from Proverbs that you want your child to learn, or any three scriptures that you and your child have chosen together.
Have your children discuss the scriptures they’ve chosen with the whole family during dinner. The more often they discuss these verses, the more the memory work is getting reinforced. Work together as a family in writing these scriptures on your hearts.
Digging Deeper Interaction #2
God’s Word tells us how to live the right way (“instruction in righteousness”) and how to walk the right way (read
Deuteronomy 10:12-13).
With your child, brainstorm a list of things that God tells us are right (for older children you could also find a scripture that supports each action). For example, your list might include:
putting God first
keeping the Sabbath
keeping the holy days
honoring our parents
telling the truth
loving others
saying kind words
After you and your children have come up with about six to ten ways to “walk in all His ways,” create a path to walk on using one of the following methods:
1. Have your children write each one of these actions with chalk on the sidewalk leading up to your front door or on your driveway. Each day they can walk the path of God’s ways from His Word and read each one as they walk.
2. Cut out a large foot shape from card stock for each of the actions you and your child have come up with. Write down one action on each paper foot and then tape them down on the floor in your house so that your child can walk this path each day.
Bible Story: Timothy
Begin by having your children say the memory scripture. Ask if they can remember any of the other scriptures that they have been “writing on their hearts.” Tell your child that the way they have been practicing and learning all of these scriptures reminds you of another child in the Bible—Timothy! God’s Word was very important to Timothy as well
(2 Timothy 3:15).
Read through the story of Timothy and use the EEI lesson "Tmothy, a Boy Who Grew Up to Serve God" to help your children learn about this role model.
Bonus Ideas
There are several scriptures in the book of Proverbs that talk about the importance of good instruction. Challenge your children (and yourself!) to find as many as they can and add them to their “Fundamentals Bible Study Journal.” For an added challenge, try to find these scriptures without the use of a concordance.
Do an online search on how to memorize the books of the Bible. Find a method that works best for you and your family, whether that’s a song, a chart, or just good old-fashioned flash cards!
Wrap-up Activity
Have your children display their memory scripture poster with their growing collection.
To end your study, record your child reciting the memory scripture. Consider posting the video to the EEI Facebook group page or to your local church congregation’s social media page, or simply keep the video for your own family records.
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