Monthly Study Guide: Meaningful Mentoring

Monthly Study Guide: Meaningful Mentoring

Whether you have a toddler who mimics your every word or a teenager who’s closely scrutinizing your daily example, learn how to more effectively guide and lead your children. Study examples of mentors in Scripture and how to more closely emulate the Good Shepherd Himself. This guide draws on materials from the Christian Family, Shepherding the Heart, People of the Bible, and Additional Resources sections of the parenting manual.

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Monthly Study Guide: Where Do I Start?

Monthly Study Guide: Where Do I Start?

Unsure about where to begin in using our many resources? Start here for an overview of our manual, its purpose in assisting you as a Christian parent or mentor, suggestions for how to use it most effectively, and more! This Read More >

Monthly Study Guide: Young Bible Heroes

Monthly Study Guide: Young Bible Heroes

“You mean he was my age when he did that?” “She had the courage to say that at my age?” The extraordinary acts of faith of children and teens are recorded in the Bible for us Read More >