Guided Discussion: The Trinity

A guided discussion on the topic of the Trinity

Guided Discussion: The Trinity


Most professing Christians believe God is a Trinity. What do you know about the Trinity?

Prompts if no response: It is the belief that God is three beings in one, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Some people think that if you don’t believe in the Trinity you are blaspheming against God and must be in a cult.

Discussion Question 1: 

Why do we in the Church believe that God is not a Trinity?

Prompts if no response: The Holy Spirit is the power of God. The Holy Spirit is described as being inside us, poured out, and is not described as a person. The Holy Spirit is often not addressed with God and Jesus Christ.

Supporting Scriptures

Christ was “conceived of the Holy Spirit,” but He did not call the Holy Spirit His Father Matthew 1:20 . The Holy Spirit is described as being poured out Acts 2:17-18 ; you cannot pour out a person. We are described as having fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ 1 John 1:3 ; the Holy Spirit is not mentioned.

Discussion Question 2:

Why do you think most professing Christians believe that God is a Trinity?

Prompts if no response: That’s all they’ve ever been taught. There are parts of the Bible that list the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit together. There are mistranslations that use “he” instead of “it” for the Holy Spirit.

Supporting Scripture

The entire world has been deceived Revelation 12:9 .

Discussion Question 3:

Idolatry breaks two of the 10 Commandments, and it is mentioned several times in the Bible as an abomination to God. What are the pagan origins of the Trinity, and how is idolatry linked with it?

Prompts if no response: Creating a new being and worshipping it in the same way that God is worshipped. There are a number of pagan triads, including Sumeria (Anu, Enlil and Ea); Babylon (three-headed composite god and equilateral triangle in worship); India (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva); Greece (Aristotle using three as a number to worship the gods); Egypt (Osiris, Isis and Horus); or even Celtic (Criosan, Biosena and Seeva).

Supporting Scriptures

God commands us to worship Him and not idols Exodus 20:3-6 ; 2 Kings 17:7-18 .

Hypothetical 1:

What would you think or say back if you heard this: “Do you pray to the Holy Spirit?”

Prompts if no response: We might say, No, I pray to God the Father. I believe the Holy Spirit is God’s power.

Supporting Scriptures

In the model prayer, Christ never refers to the Holy Spirit Matthew 6:9-13 .

Hypothetical 2:

What would you say back if asked: “How are you a Christian if you don’t believe in the Trinity? It is the most important Christian teaching!”

Prompts if no response: Discuss the pros and cons of various responses. Think about other examples where people call themselves Christian while not really following what Christ teaches.

Supporting Scriptures

We should obey what God says and not what man says Acts 5:29 . If we are not worshipping God the way He wants us to, it is in vain and of no value Matthew 15:9 .



What are some possible consequences for going against the mainstream belief about the Trinity?

Prompts if no response: We might not be thought of as “real” Christians. We might be “canceled,” not included, etc.



Matthew 28:19; 1 John 5:6-8; Galatians 1:1-3; Ephesians 1:1-2

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