Learn More At Life, Hope & Truth
Plan of Salvation: How God’s Holy Days Reveal His Plan
God has an incredible goal in mind for the humans He made in His own image. How does He let us in on the knowledge of that plan of salvation?
Hope for the Future Found in God’s Festivals
Wouldn’t it be great if our celebrations helped give meaning to our lives and provided hope for the future? The festivals taught in the Bible do!
Biblical Festivals: Does God Want Us to Celebrate Them? Why?
Digging into the biblical festivals yields deeper understanding of what God wants for you and all humanity! They foreshadow His plan of salvation.
Festival Meaning: What Are the Meanings of Each of God’s Festivals?
God’s festivals all have great meaning in His plan of salvation for all mankind. What is the festival meaning of each of the biblical festivals?
The Feast of Tabernacles: A Bountiful Harvest
The Feast of Tabernacles, during the fall harvest season, pictures 1,000 years of God’s Kingdom on earth. This will be a bountiful spiritual harvest.
The Last Great Day: The Final Harvest
After the Millennium, pictured by the Feast of Tabernacles, comes another time of spiritual harvest pictured by the Eighth Day or Last Great Day.